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Strange short dark trips advice Options
wet sand
#1 Posted : 7/27/2019 5:15:08 PM
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I'm typing this because something strange has happened recently and i need some advice.

With DMT, So far I've done it about 9 times.

Only during my first few DMT trip did i reach hyperspace though. These trips were life changing and paradigm smashing. My perspective on reality was changed in the most beautiful way.

My last few trips though have been duds. They were extremely weak, underwhelming, short, and all i get is minimal visuals that has a dark creepy vibe to it.

I feel like I've hit a plateau or something ??

During my last few extractions i was left with not crystals but a goo, I thought goo was supposed to be good ??

Does anyone have any advice or know what's happening ??

It's disappointing and annoying because my DMT journey is still kind of new to me. I want to dive back in.

During my most recent weak underwhelming trips, The only difference is that I've gotten goo and not xtals with my extractions. All my earlier proper DMT trips were with xtals.

Any help would be appreciated.


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#2 Posted : 7/27/2019 8:26:50 PM

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Take a break for a bit. Allow your mind to integrate your prior experiences. Give your body some time to reset. Taking breaks is important in my opinion. I have found psychedelics to be self regulating. Pay attention to this and adjust your use accordingly.

In the mean time, do a Rx on the goo if you want some crystals.
β€œSilence is a source of Great Strength.” ~Lao Tzu
#3 Posted : 7/28/2019 3:51:03 AM
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I've kind of experienced something similar. Sometimes I'm just not ready. Dmt is not a drug i have ever wanted to or been able to do with regularity. Every few years, or months if I'm really feeling it. I see it in the context of a lifelong journey where there is really no need to rush, though I definitely did rush into things at first, and got lackluster results with dmt the most recent go around because of it. I took my time with shrooms however and have had incredible results. It's not so much the drug as the habit of doing it and how you do it. When tripping is actually beneficial and deep for me is when I meditate before hand and during and basically pray to the substance to do right by me and heal me. You might also try adding in some syrian rue or caapi. After trying these with dmt/psilocybin I wouldn't do it any other way. It's like going from semi-transparent visions to the real thing.
Gary the Guppy
#4 Posted : 7/28/2019 8:41:09 AM

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I definitely agree that you should try to do a rx to turn that goo into some pretty little crystals, smoking goo is somewhat sketchy to me for whatever reason (for no reason really.)

SWIM has a hard time breaking through, but after purchasing a vp he made it to what he assumes is the waiting room. It was so odd and he couldn't see any entities but he could hear them talking in a strange clicking language like insects or something. Anyways, near the end of it, things started to get dark. These tendrils of much darker, putrid looking fractals started forming out of the bottom left and took over the field of vision. The rest of the trip was like this and all he could think of was his lower back pain and how unhealthy he is. Hyper focused on death and its inevitability. Very morbid feeling, BUT.. I realised what it was trying to tell him. Eat better, get off the other substances, drink more water and less energy drinks, stop getting so worked up at work over nothing, don't take valium or other substances before blastoff, learn to handle anxiety in more productive ways etc etc etc.

Sorry that's a lot when I really could have just said this, and others will probably say the same thing. Spice tells you what you need to hear, shows you what you need to see. If your vaping it correctly and not getting anything out of it, re-x and give yourself a solid break. Make sure your set/setting is perfect in a few weeks/months/years/however long it takes, and give it another shot.

Good luck brother!
#5 Posted : 7/28/2019 8:45:45 AM

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As YouAreWeAmI said....

Check this FAQ entry.

Good luck!
#6 Posted : 7/28/2019 4:38:38 PM

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Take a break Smile
wet sand
#7 Posted : 7/28/2019 8:55:56 PM
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Thanks guys.

I don't mind taking a break, Just as long as i can experience the hyperspace again at some point.

And regarding integration, So far I've never had a trip where integration was mentioned or a theme at all.

With entities they see me and briefly converse to me or talk amongst themselves about me before transporting me to a 3d visual physcadelic experience.

I only know of the term integration from seeing it discussed on the nexus.

I came to DMT with the aim of bettering and better knowing and understanding oneself. As well as broadening my perspective on reality.

So far only my first two trips achieved my goals. I was hoping to learn more until i ran into this recent problem of seemingly being locked out of hyperspace and feeling a weird confusing dark vibe to it.

Thanks for your comments, I'm happy to know that it's not just a problem specific to me and that others have experienced it too.

wet sand
#8 Posted : 7/28/2019 8:59:42 PM
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coconutxlather wrote:
I've kind of experienced something similar. Sometimes I'm just not ready. Dmt is not a drug i have ever wanted to or been able to do with regularity. Every few years, or months if I'm really feeling it. I see it in the context of a lifelong journey where there is really no need to rush, though I definitely did rush into things at first, and got lackluster results with dmt the most recent go around because of it. I took my time with shrooms however and have had incredible results. It's not so much the drug as the habit of doing it and how you do it. When tripping is actually beneficial and deep for me is when I meditate before hand and during and basically pray to the substance to do right by me and heal me. You might also try adding in some syrian rue or caapi. After trying these with dmt/psilocybin I wouldn't do it any other way. It's like going from semi-transparent visions to the real thing.

What is syrian rue and caapi and how would it help ? I'll google it but thought I'd ask.

And after feeling shut out of hyperspace on DMT, Were you ever able to go back and experience a full breakthrough trip again ?
#9 Posted : 7/29/2019 7:32:49 AM

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wet sand wrote:

What is syrian rue and caapi and how would it help ? I'll google it but thought I'd ask.

And after feeling shut out of hyperspace on DMT, Were you ever able to go back and experience a full breakthrough trip again ?

These are plants containing MAOI substances, allowing for oral consumption and activation of tryptamines, also potentiating vaporized tryptamines. This is very rough description, you better off checking these forums and wiki for caapi and rue - lots of information is available on them.

Regarding going back after feeling blocked - general experience, as I perceive it, is that if you continue pushing, you will most likely get a very tough lesson in response. There are lots of reports here of people being blocked, then pushing it and getting slapped in return. My last breakthrough was preceded by similar experiences - all I was getting is slightly unsettling, darker and less vivid imagery as usual, morphing sinister faces as if mocking me for being so brave, I pushed it and got the hyperspace equivalent of lemon, and it took some time to process and make a delicious juice out of it Smile

So if spice blocks you, I'd say - better way is to accept the message and take some time off.
Or you can just do whatever you were going to do anyways and accept the consequences Smile
#10 Posted : 7/29/2019 10:07:07 AM
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wet sand wrote:

What is syrian rue and caapi and how would it help ? I'll google it but thought I'd ask.

And after feeling shut out of hyperspace on DMT, Were you ever able to go back and experience a full breakthrough trip again ?

I'm not sure that i was shut out. i'm sure that might have happened if i continued. i was more shut out on an emotional/mental level personally and i haven't gone back to hyperspace though i plan to soon.

idk if rue would help with this particular problem actually. i agree that you should take a break, it's probably not worth pushing that envelope. maybe try rue/caapi later. i find it calms me down and sets a meditative mood and ambience of ease and also intensifies/guides things nicely.
wet sand
#11 Posted : 7/31/2019 8:24:35 AM
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Exitwound wrote:
wet sand wrote:

What is syrian rue and caapi and how would it help ? I'll google it but thought I'd ask.

And after feeling shut out of hyperspace on DMT, Were you ever able to go back and experience a full breakthrough trip again ?

These are plants containing MAOI substances, allowing for oral consumption and activation of tryptamines, also potentiating vaporized tryptamines. This is very rough description, you better off checking these forums and wiki for caapi and rue - lots of information is available on them.

Regarding going back after feeling blocked - general experience, as I perceive it, is that if you continue pushing, you will most likely get a very tough lesson in response. There are lots of reports here of people being blocked, then pushing it and getting slapped in return. My last breakthrough was preceded by similar experiences - all I was getting is slightly unsettling, darker and less vivid imagery as usual, morphing sinister faces as if mocking me for being so brave, I pushed it and got the hyperspace equivalent of lemon, and it took some time to process and make a delicious juice out of it Smile

So if spice blocks you, I'd say - better way is to accept the message and take some time off.
Or you can just do whatever you were going to do anyways and accept the consequences Smile

Hmmm thanks for the advice.

In the past I've had a few " bad " trips, But it would mainly be a trip that felt too overwhelming. I'd puff and all of a sudden feel 100 different voices chatting and unknown beings watching me. It'd feel invasive, But then the trip would morph into something good.

But these last few trips,they were extremely short, And a side effect of leaving me feeling extremely confused.

I'm not sure what I'll do, I feel like trying again and see if i get xtals and if that would make any real difference.

DMT is definitely a unique peculiar substance. I feel a bit better knowing that others have had this shut out dark experience too.

I'm curious if my DMT adventures will be finishing soon because of it, if i take a multi month long break and live my life the best i can and forget about it and then come back to it and still get weird short dark shut out trips - then idk.

Looks like I'll just have to mull this one over.

And for the record, these " shut out " trips feel different than a failed launch so to speak. With a failed launch experience you feel like you're on the precipice of something great, These shut out trips feel totally different, Like i said they feel extremely short with extremely weak and minor dark visuals - Then once its done I'd just feel confused.

#12 Posted : 7/31/2019 12:05:06 PM
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MAYBE this shutting out is it telling you we have already taught you lessons that you need to INTEGRATE before learning a new lesson....integrate simply means to understand a lesson and apply to in your life....just learning something then forgetting it or not putting it to use is a terrible waste. and learning everything comes in steps think to math how can you know how to multiply if you cant add?
#13 Posted : 7/31/2019 2:45:03 PM

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Integration is the crystalization of the mind expansion caused by psychedelics. Psychedelics expand the mind in the same way that listening and playing music expands the ear and the creative juices that make composition possible.

So how does an integrated mind look? One will be able to compare one's view on the whole of things on a certain topic (for example, death) and see that one's previous views were limited. For example 2 years ago I actually thought when you died you just turned off, like a machine. Such a view is so limited, it lacks complete understanding of what it means to be a Being, of being an organic part of the Earth, and a part in the Source's ultimate plans of novelty, expansion, and the fulfilling of all its posibilites and ramifications.

The integration is the realization that the brain has been expanded. Nothing is what it appears. One sees the interconnectivity of all things, because one has been interconnected to everything and so this is incorporated, integrated, into how one views something as simple as a menu at a restaurant or as complex as killer whale training--previously these things would have been viewed for their face appearence, but with a mind that knows the depth of this life it is viewed with more creativity, with an intergalactic perspective, so that things are not viewed as they seem, but more as they are. In a way its like returning to how we viewed things as children, with an open mind that is profoundly spiritual, deeply connected to the source.

Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence β—‹ Shiva β—‡ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving β™‘See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.β™‘
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
wet sand
#14 Posted : 8/2/2019 3:28:45 PM
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FranLover wrote:
Integration is the crystalization of the mind expansion caused by psychedelics. Psychedelics expand the mind in the same way that listening and playing music expands the ear and the creative juices that make composition possible.

So how does an integrated mind look? One will be able to compare one's view on the whole of things on a certain topic (for example, death) and see that one's previous views were limited. For example 2 years ago I actually thought when you died you just turned off, like a machine. Such a view is so limited, it lacks complete understanding of what it means to be a Being, of being an organic part of the Earth, and a part in the Source's ultimate plans of novelty, expansion, and the fulfilling of all its posibilites and ramifications.

The integration is the realization that the brain has been expanded. Nothing is what it appears. One sees the interconnectivity of all things, because one has been interconnected to everything and so this is incorporated, integrated, into how one views something as simple as a menu at a restaurant or as complex as killer whale training--previously these things would have been viewed for their face appearence, but with a mind that knows the depth of this life it is viewed with more creativity, with an intergalactic perspective, so that things are not viewed as they seem, but more as they are. In a way its like returning to how we viewed things as children, with an open mind that is profoundly spiritual, deeply connected to the source.

As far as integration go, My first few trips definitely changed my perception on this existence. I got the sense that there's something bigger to this existence and universe that us humans don't really have access to see or understand.

Perhaps when we die we go to this other realm ? Who knows. It's interesting though.

But it's weird, with quite a few of my experiences with spice, I'd just see these crazy complex visual hallucinations of interconnected rotating shapes and stuff. They were cool trips, But there was no real take away message from it. there wouldn't be entities or anything, Just cool visuals. If there's anything to take away from those trips then i don't know what it would be.

In all honesty, One of my main goals with spice was the spiritual healing aspect to it. I'm hoping to have at least a few more good trips in me.

And i know that this is a very difficult question to ask, But can people build up tolerances to DMT at all ? Because my first few trips were phenomenally mind blowing, But after getting some experience with spice under my belt, i reached a point where i was able to smoke spice yet still be able to have my eyes open and fully aware of my surroundings during the entirety of the trip.

My first few experiences with spice was much more potent. It was so intense when i first started smoking that i couldn't help but be close eyed and utterly blitzed and off in another dimension - My head felt like a rocket blasting into space.

But so far I've only had a quarter of my trips be that intense and all encompassing and powerful. my other trips were cool but felt as though i was only 75% in intensity when compared to my earliest trips that were off the charts potent and mind blowing.

The spice is definitely an unusual substance - instead of DMT it should be called RMV - results may vary lol

#15 Posted : 8/3/2019 7:12:47 AM
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Tolerance is complicated with psychedelics.

You definitely develop a physical tolerance. Immediately. That lasts a week or so.

Your body is more prepared to deal with the foreign chemical and therefore it has less effect.

But, you also have a psychological tolerance. You know what to expect, you are used to it. It has less impact because it's not novel anymore. That's the big issue with psychedelics. It takes a lot longer to get over that. You need to forget what to expect, and go into it... unprepared for lack of a better word. That's when you will get deep meaningful, intense experiences

It's not the drug that's failing you. It seems you're just trying to go too often. But it's not like weed. For best results, one should trip once a month at an absolute maximum. Even that isn't sustainable very long before it loses it's glow. And that's with any drug. Even dissociatives where tolerance isn't really an issue(it is, but it's slow)
wet sand
#16 Posted : 8/3/2019 5:23:54 PM
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Soccrates wrote:
Tolerance is complicated with psychedelics.

You definitely develop a physical tolerance. Immediately. That lasts a week or so.

Your body is more prepared to deal with the foreign chemical and therefore it has less effect.

But, you also have a psychological tolerance. You know what to expect, you are used to it. It has less impact because it's not novel anymore. That's the big issue with psychedelics. It takes a lot longer to get over that. You need to forget what to expect, and go into it... unprepared for lack of a better word. That's when you will get deep meaningful, intense experiences

It's not the drug that's failing you. It seems you're just trying to go too often. But it's not like weed. For best results, one should trip once a month at an absolute maximum. Even that isn't sustainable very long before it loses it's glow. And that's with any drug. Even dissociatives where tolerance isn't really an issue(it is, but it's slow)

With my first few trips, it felt like an alien other wordly experience, i definitely experienced the whole death by awe and astonishment idea.

At some point along the way though the trips changed, I'd never see or hear entities and I'd feel as though i wasn't breaking through 100%. My first few trips were so intense i had to close my eyes, Then I'd feel a tug of war between my mind and body with the DMT realm yanking at me. I'd then forget my body and and be freed and BOOM - I'd be blitzed and having a deep personal experience that was overwhelming in a great way.

But after having a few experiences like that, My trips and their intensity changed into some other weaker type of trip. They would be interesting with some cool visuals - But i wouldn't feel the whole tug of war between mind and body. I wouldn't come across entities either.

It was confusing because i was definitely experiencing some kind of trip - What with seeing creative shapes and patterns. It'd be a weaker experience though compared to my full breakthrough utterly mind blowing trips.

It's quite difficult trying to put all this into words, But i appreciate your advice guys.

My last attempt of using DMT was a few weeks ago. i got goo from an extraction and had a very weak dark themed trip. My last 2 trips have been like that. So my last uses of DMT were a few weeks ago, And then before that it was a month or so before that.

I think what i might do is try another extraction, And then once it's finished I'll just hold onto the spice and try it again at some point. I'll definitely wait though and only try it again if i feel the time is right.

I've gone months and months without DMT before so i can definitely do it again.

Hopefully if i continue to work towards getting my mind and body and soul all aligned and healthy then my next session with spice will be more rewarding and enjoyable and mind blowing. - just a few more full breakthrough trips would be great.

Thanks again guys.
wet sand
#17 Posted : 8/13/2019 6:59:43 AM
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It happened again - did an extraction, smoked the dmt, And had an unpleasant dud experience, it caused mass confusion, Anxiety, like i was trapped, Felt like i was going insane It felt yucky and ugly, it had an earthy tone to it, Like i had dirt in my brain or something. Had the feeling of being brain damaged. Felt like an invasive mind rape.

It wasn't an out of body trip, no entities, no feeling of a presence, no colours or shapes or patterns.

I experienced something yet nothing at the same time, Underwhelming yet the confusion was overwhelming.

It's nearly impossible for me to describe it properly because I've had bad trips in the past and this was nothing like that. it doesn't have the characteristics of dmt. If someone gave me a pipe of dmt and i smoked it and experienced what i did, I'd tell em that they didn't make it right or i wouldn't believe that it was dmt they gave me. Because it doesn't seem like dmt at all.

After smoking the dmt, I don't know what happened exactly. But i became utterly confused. Things got blurry, But no phsycadelic type visuals or patterns, everything just had an earthy beige tint to it.

It didn't feel phsycadelic at all. It doesn't feel like dmt at all.

In the past when i had some bad trips, They at least felt phsycadelic, They would just feel too intense or an entity would show me who's boss.

But my last 3 attempts at smoking spice have been massive confusing duds. It's quite disheartening if I'm honest, I feel that i use dmt for the right reasons and have a good sense of self. I even took a multi month break from dmt and thought that might help, But nope.

I want to get to the bottom of this - If anyone has any forum posts or threads then please speak up and suggest em.

I'm at the point where i just feel like quitting for good, Why waste the time doing extractions if I'm getting the same unpleasant dud results. " the definition of insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results " , An old quote I'm relating too.

But due to some transcendent utterly amazing trips I've had in the past, It makes me not want to give up so easily. It would be nice if i could at least know what the hell is going on and what i should trt to remedy it.

I've also seen a few posts of people who've experienced something kind of similar, And at some point dmt just starts working for them again at some point. I hope i can get past this weird phase and string of dud trips.

Is it possible that my third eye is somehow damaged ?? Or could my bark have gone bad ? That sounds dumb but that's how I'm feeling.

#18 Posted : 8/13/2019 2:24:13 PM

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Try and not take a weird trip like that personally. Move on from it, try not to ruminate. As said above by myself and others, take a break. Give it some time. Try taking a 6 month break and see if that helps.
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