I’m in my forties and I found this site yesterday when I started to do research about DMT as this substance crossed my path a couple of days ago.
I’ve lived in 3 different countries and I am planning to move abroad again in a couple of years time. I love to experience and explore different cultures and people. I also prefer a warmer climate as it is nicer for my sore and stiff muscles and joints.
I’ve mostly worked in health care since I left school in 1996, and the last 4 years in mental health, but I am also a personal trainer and I’ve coached fitness and bodybuilding athletes on a national level.
On my free time I like to cook, spend time in nature, physical exercise, and my big passion in life is playing 2-row diatonic accordion.
I’m very careful with what I put in my body and I do a lot of research before I try something new, I always start with the lowest dose recommended or lower as everyone responds differently to substances.
I’ve tried cannabis ( mostly for pain management and sleep) 2 LSD journeys, and 1 very low dose mushroom journey.
Today I’m going to do my third LSD journey, the first time I used this substance was 3 months ago. I was introduced to it by a friend who offered to be a guide during my journey and after many weeks of research I decided to go ahead and try 1/2 a blotter, 1 blotter was said to be 300mcg (which I doubt).
I divided the journey in 3 days.
Day 1: I reflected a lot over my current situation, I’ve moved countries a lot the last 10 years which has made me a stronger person, but during this time I’ve also started to question the purpose of life and the purpose of human beings.
I’ve seen a lot of sad things travelling the world working in health care and with mental health patients, and also how human beings are treating the earth, themselves and other fellow humans in general and this has affected me A LOT! I’ve felt so lost for many years looking for something, searching, trying to understand things in life, trying to find purpose for us and looking for likeminded. I spent a lot of time in the nature this day as I live in a smaller city close to lakes and large forest areas.
Day 2: I did not get much sleep this night as I was scared and excited, and I also have a lot of injuries from working in the health care for many years and moving/lifting heavy patients, as back in the days we didn’t have any lifts or straps helping us with manual handling so my sleep is not very good.
I did a morning shift that day and I had a day off the day after so I had time to recover and reflect.
My sitter and guide was late home in the evening so I took the 1/2 blotter at 7pm, at around 8:30 things started to happen, the walls started to glow, shades became more present and I felt a rush of happiness. It was a lovely evening with sunshine and the sun is up a long time this far up north, I took my glasses off and I could still se details and I could even make out details far away. Colours started to be more profound and I started to lough at how the brain and the substance could make such wonderful things happen.
Around 9pm and really took a grip on me and wonderful colours and shapes was taking form in front of me.
At 9:30am my sitter asked me if some friends could come over, I said no as I felt I wanted to experience this journey alone with my sitter. After 10-20 the doorbell went off and 2 of his friend arrived, the whole room just went dark for me, although it was sunshine outside and the room was bright, it was like someone turned a dimmer. I had to focus 100% to stay calm and after 10 minutes I decided to walk home ( I live 3 min down the road) it was the longest walk I’ve ever done in my whole life. Everyone in the whole city had decided to gather and be around me

. At the end bit before my house it is a long stretch with trees on each side, that stretch just got longer as I was looking at it, it grew longer as I was walking down the road and the trees was growing taller and was leaning towards me. I stopped, gathered my thoughts and laughed a little about how the brain played me tricks, and then I finally got home after “hours” of walking and continued my journey at home with some nice music and fruit to eat. I think I went to sleep around 4-5am.
Day 3: I had a great sleep, I wasn’t bothered by my injuries and my pain during the night and everything was like shimmering around me, I spent a lot of time in the nature this day reflecting on my journey, and I felt different, sort of newborn. The next couple of days I changed a lot of things in my life, how to approach things and I put more focus on myself and my family, I never regret the decision to try this substance.
My second journey I took 1 blotter from the same batch.
I went to visit an old friend that has had problems with sleep and to much work for a long time and we discussed if LSD could guide him to make healthier choices regarding work, and also help him sleep better.
I went there on the train which went through a really nice part of the country so I spent the whole journey reflecting and enjoying the scenery.
When I arrived to my friend we sat down for a long chat as we’ve not seen each other since I moved abroad 2011, we played some accordion as he used to be my accordion teacher and at 2pm we decided to take 1 blotter each. My friend was very sceptical that the LSD would have any effect on him, he said that he is very resilient to substances. We sat in the kitchen and talked about good old times and we had a good laugh, and after a while he just sat straight up and said “wow” something is happening. When the LSD peaked for us we just laughed and talked about life in general. This journey was very different from my first one, I was in a very good mood, I was laughing and everything was very bright and light. It’s amazing how different settings and companies can have an impact how the LSD works.
It was during my second LSD journey I could start to to work on my personal growth more, I have some small and big hang ups from episodes in my life which is and has been bothering me. I’m going to write about something that I’ve not dealt with at all, which the LSD helped me to deal with and overcome.
I lost a child just before birth in 2012 and it was first during my second LSD journey that I’ve realised I’ve not mourned my little Gavin, I’ve not cried, I’ve pushed the thoughts away when they’ve entered my head and I thought I was ok about it. I could not become “weak” and cry and mourn when it happened as I had to be there for my wife and daughter as we’ve just moved to a new country with a completely different culture.
The doctor said that his spirit was strong but his body was weak, his ashes was spread on an old Aboriginal hunting ground.
We had another boy 1 year later who I believe has both spirits in a very strong body.
However, halfway through the peak I felt like lying down in my bed and just gather my thoughts and without any warning I revisited the whole episode when we sat in the assessment room and the doctor told us that they could not find the hearth beat. And I lay there in the bed and just let my emotions take over, I didn’t fight my emotion I just let them “guide” me and I cried and cried, it felt like forever and I went through pain, sadness, remorse and finally I felt some kind of resolution. It was like a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders. It was my strongest emotional experience I’ve ever had and I’m really happy that I did decide to try LSD as it changed my life and how I deal and perceive things now.
Tonight I’m going to take 1.5 blotter from the same batch and smoke som organic Passion flower. I will report my journey later this weekend.
Safe journeys my fellow travelers.
I am like a white cloud with no destination, I place goals to trick myself in believing I have somewhere to arrive, everything is a successful goal when I realise I have already arrived.