Hello dear explorers,
I am male, whatever that is, in my 40s, an artist, musician and avid explorer of the subconscious (?), or "other worlds".
I was "sober" my whole teen ages, but interested in philosophy and shamanic practices. Having a few OBE caused by traumatic experiences - after operation complications in childhood, etc. I became aware there is "more to life than this" (consensus reality). Having prolonged alternate reality experience in morphine drip in a hospital, I experienced my first hallucinations when I was 16.
I will try to keep this "essay" short...
I came here specifically to ask a few questions about the communication with the alien intelligence through DMT, which are mostly not addressed adequately - as far as I read... I have limited experiences with freebase DMT vaping, but that seems something completely different than even a powerful Ayahuasca session and with some current attitudes towards research and understanding those world and intelligences I see them finally being addressed more in the manner I was hoping for... (talking about approach like that of Dr.Andrew Gallimore - really trying to be systematic and ask many questions and try to understand from several perspectives)
I have experience with many substances, that I always used ritually, only ever "abused" mushrooms, LSD and cannabis for some very special sexual "tantric" sessions with my partner, but I don't consider that abuse anyway...
Still my idea of using this substances is like a real navigation into an unknown territory, to gather new insights, new ideas, understand the nature of reality better.
I met the ayahuasca entity, that directly healed certain aspects that needed help, taught me directly certain ideas, concepts beyond concepts, etc., I also met Salvia entity that directly talked to me and even morphed with me into a sort of orgasmic whole - my body became a forest and I made love with the essence of salvia.
But all those encounters were still sort of in the "Earth" plane - they felt earthly, while in my only DMT vape session so far - I made a contact with the "Aliens" immediately... I experienced some sort of density, like something "descended" or was superimposed on the usual reality, a complex interaction of visuals and ideations that sort of "telepatically" caused a more than real realisations - "Of course, you have been here all the time, maybe you even built this thing, you are here for millions of years already, of course we can't make a "contact" as we envision it, all that SETI work, etc. mostly in vain, if you don't come flying in saucers in this plane, you don't need those crude ways, you are beyond anything "concievable"...
I had a high pitched sound linger in my ears and after "them" sayin "hello, we are here" in this most abstract way, I opened my eyes and witnessed the reality having a hard time re-conforming into a simple 3D model... for a while it looked like there is some extension into a non-geometrically possible "dimension" - you could see it, but the mind couldn't properly decipher it or grasp the "unreal" visual and then it only slowly re-assembled... Matrix is real I guess...
What I am interested in the most is not the ways to extract, not belonging to some subculture that has its own jargon, etc. but I wish to learn if anyone had any really meaningful interactions with those Aliens, any more information what they could be, if anyone brought anything really novel into this plane - some ideas for new technology, new ways of existing... I know the experiences are profound and inspiring, but I am deliberately thinking of more "simple" and practical information, since this is a bit neglected... just being laughed at the machine elves and tossed strange objects, carnival-like attitude, etc. is all fun and swell, but when I had this contact in such a serene way which felt like really meeting the Aliens, making a real contact - I wish for more real contact with info that can translate into this reality. Sort of like - learning from them really.
I hope to find some new ideas and info here, I plan to navigate that realm myself anyway, of course, since this seems like an essential thing to explore in this existence now... I simply need to know more.
And also hope to bring some music back that can trigger some insight of that reality, too.
"There is no solution, because there is no problem." Marcel Duchamp