[Update 23/8/19]
Another trip sharing experience and if you saw or know something similar please share with me. I did all these 3 trips in 1 night. Each picture I draw is just only the moment that I be able to capture/memorize clearly for each trip. Everything is moving all the time and very complex.

First pic, I immediately felt presence of these 2 male entities. They smiled at me and they seem to remember me. It's like I came back to where I belong/home. To be honest, I am very delighted that they remember. I felt like I am on a hospital bed and on the way to some operation. In the middle to me it felt like a portal. I didn't think or react or know what to do. I just enjoy the moment. After I came back down I want to go right back in there.

Second pic, This is from second trip. This time I met with female entity she also smiled at me. I think she is the same rainbow female entity from my 3-4 weeks ago trip experience (her presence is the same). I am not 100% sure because she look a little different. Then there is a symbol(portal) pop up on the upper left. It is quite distinguished from anything else in the background. When I move my eye and focus on that I suddenly got suck in to that portal. And to other side I met this higher being (third pic) a male entity and the entire time I only saw his shoulder he is very tall.

For some reason, I know that he is much higher than any other entities I met. I try to ask question that I always wonder about the truth and about myself which is the reason I start all this DMT journey (I ask him in my first language). This might sound weird, he didn't talk to me like we human normally did but something came into/insert my mind "drink it and we will talk more" in English. I am stunned and shock at the same time. He seem to know that I got all the important component to make Ayahuasca which I ordered and everything arrived just 1-2 weeks before this. But didn't have the opportunity to brew it yet. To me, I knew it right away after the trip ends making ayahuasca is the next priority I have to do.

Fourth pic, This last trip is very fast. In front of me there is these 2 symbol I didn't focus on any of them like the last time. I observe the symbol for some quite time and then suddenly a female voice came to me "hurry up and choose!" in my first language. She didn't said the exact word but I fully receive the meaning. She sound like she wanted me to be hurry which in a concern and caring way because she know that my time is short. Her presence is on my far right I didn't fully saw her but I know she is different one from all I met and she seem to be the person that take care of these portal. I was in shock and I said I didn't know and I am sorry. Before I know it, everything start to fade away.
At this point, there is so much more happen to my life outside the trip as well. This become like a true journey to me. there is so many meaningful things happening and yes, everything happen for a reason. If you have any similar thing please share with me I want to know.
PS. I saw a picture from other people trip report that have exact same symbol in my second pic and I got shivers down my spine. It is so crazy!
I did 3 trips in a row. I saw entities for the first time in my life. They didn't communicate with me directly but I felt all those love and caring and I have tear in my eye before the trip end. I try to ask question but I felt like "it is not my time to ask yet, enjoy first". I believe they send message in various way. I have sooooooo many synchronicity afterward.
First pic, I felt like I saw that before for sure but don't know where. I felt so familiar with it.
Second pic, a female entity that I felt love and caring. She hugged me. I was like a baby. I have tear in my eye and I laugh in joy after that.
Third pic, This type of entities they are 5 of them. The middle one is very close to my face but I didn't felt any harmful feeling or any negative energy. I felt they want to come and look at me and observe. Btw, Their is very bright.
Forth pic, There are hundred of those eye but what interesting is. After I felt worried the "female rainbow entity" appear in front of me and I felt calm.
Please if any of you have some similar experience I really want to know more about them.

[Original post]

(the middle is light blue color planet but not earth)
I saw this planet in my second DMT trip ever. Have any of you been there ? or is there anyone have info about this?
PS.it might look like a death star but it is not