DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 21-May-2019 Last visit: 04-Sep-2019
Heya people of the DMT nexus Just writing here today to talk about this extremely terrifying experience I had yesterday. I'd like to start by saying that I smoke cannabis everyday to treat my depression. I had already smoked cannabis throughout the day around 4 times with my hand pipe, which was completely fine and completely as it should be. As it approached midnight I decided to smoke 1 more time out my window so i could get nice and relaxed and buzzed before going to bed. Which is what I wanted... Sadly this did not happen... Around 15mins after smoking 3 small bowls out the window and turning my light off, I started to feel VERY weird. As I closed my eyes I saw multiple square like geometrical shapes flying at me, as if my third eye was opening. I got a little scared over that so I opened my eyes and then it was as if I could feel my third eye blinking as often as my regular eyes blinked, and this was a very WEIRD feeling, almost painful as I could feel it blinking within my own head, which is a very weird feeling, a bit hard to put into words. I then was convinced that my weed had been spiked or something and I felt that I just wasn't on cannabis anymore, due to the intensity of what I experienced, I was honestly convinced I was dying due to a different drug in my system, my heart was beating VERY fast and I just laid on my bed, breathing and just praying I wouldn't die, Around 10minutes later, this level of intensity just went away as if it hadn't happened, but I was frightened AF. I've never experienced something as intense like that other than the time I took an extremely large dose of 4-Aco-Dmt, which was a long time ago. And the last psychedelic experience I had was around a month ago, so perhaps it was a flashback? or a cannabis overdose? All very slippery terms I'm sure some of you people may not like, but I honestly don't know how else this would have occurred, unless there is a relation between my third eye opening on large doses of cannabis which can be more psychedelic than I had thought to be? I just have no clue... Just made me not want to waste anymore time doing nothing, so I decided to make a song in dedication to the lovely McKenna brothers, mainly as they have both have had a serious impact on my life, and I don't think I'd be who I am today without them so... here it is if anyone wants to check it out  -
DMT-Nexus member
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I was in the same boat for a good while there, been a daily smoker for 9 years now, started in 2010, in 2012 i found Aya, all went well until 2014 when i had a few things happen that threw me for a loop and after that anytime i smoked Cannabis it'd feel like i was essentially coming up on DMT, after about 10 to 20 to 30 minutes or so things would calm down and i'd be fine, for the most part. But it caused me a great deal of mental intensity, anxiety, paranoia, weird headspaces, and overall i just did not like how Cannabis started making me feel. So i took a break from the Psychedelics, i stopped smoking Cannabis so often, still daily just a good bit less day to day than i used to, and then i found Limonene and Alpha/Beta-Pinene's and they seemed to help counteract the negative effects of Cannabis for me. I still have some weird/odd effects from Cannabis here and there, but it's way more tolerable now than it was, still ain't nowhere near what it used to be though back when i loved Cannabis. Cannabis can be quite Psychedelic/Entheogenic, especially if you've had some intense Psychedelic experiences, and plus with the high amounts of THC in the Cannabis these days, imo it's not as good as it used to be. Even with mid/regular grade Cannabis which is what i usually smoke, it can still be pretty damn intense. I have a love/hate relationship with Cannabis, i like to smoke it, don't get me wrong, but i really do feel like my time with Cannabis as a regular thing is about up, but shit i've been debating since 2012 if i should quit Cannabis, i do want to, and these days i do prefer to be more sober minded, but a part of me still likes what Cannabis has to offer, but i've definitely cut back on how much i smoke these days, i typically don't smoke much in my day to day unless i'm like with my gf or something, cuz she smokes more than i do now. It sucks that Cannabis changed up on me, apparently it's done that to quite a few people from what i've read/heard.
 Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering
Posts: 1299 Joined: 24-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Apr-2020 Location: I see you Mara
I smoke weed everyday and this is what I go through and why I do it. Particularly the first minutes after getting blazed...lay down in the dark and 1. open third eye. 2. meditate completey so that there is no thought. 3. See visuals. 4. Slip into hypnagogic state and get better more breakthrough like visions. Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence β Shiva β eternal Purusha. What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving β‘See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.β‘May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 21-May-2019 Last visit: 04-Sep-2019
FranLover wrote:I smoke weed everyday and this is what I go through and why I do it. Particularly the first minutes after getting blazed...lay down in the dark and 1. open third eye. 2. meditate completey so that there is no thought. 3. See visuals. 4. Slip into hypnagogic state and get better more breakthrough like visions. Hmm Interesting, do you think my blunder was re-opening my eyes? I was so convinced I was going to die and I was hallucinating quite hard... and its not like this level of intensity has ever happened before to me with cannabis, except for the 2nd time I smoked it, which was 2 years ago, which is why I was so shocked... It was just like a DMT come-up, like ShamensStamen mentioned, and from my past experience with changa, keeping my eyes open was quite painful like this was... So maybe a tolerance break is needed for myself... I just don't understand how this randomly occurred :c
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3090 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 03-Feb-2024
There are a lot of substances that can potentiate weed. MAOI's, terpenes present in mango's and other fruits, some antidepressants, some stimulants.
If you smoke weed for long enough, you will experience something like this at some point.
 I can't think of anything important or deep to add here, excuse me!
Posts: 356 Joined: 27-Oct-2018 Last visit: 17-Feb-2023 Location: The dream room, wonderland
Like FranLover, myself am chasing those kinds of effects from the cannabis, this is why i consume cannabis rarely (so i dont build tolerance) but when i do, its in high doses, with good set and setting and some preparation. Lie in bed, close your eyes, have headphones or earplugs, in a dark room and meditate without falling asleep. Its a nice reset button for me.
 Professional Tracker
Posts: 620 Joined: 29-Jan-2017 Last visit: 08-Jan-2021
Brace yourself OP, here comes a dumb question. Are you smoking the cannabis out of the same pipe youβre smoking your spice out of?
 Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering
Posts: 1299 Joined: 24-Sep-2018 Last visit: 07-Apr-2020 Location: I see you Mara
Sounds like you tripped pretty hard  yeah I dont trip that haaard, but definitley third eye oppening and neon-green shapes. A big one for me is FULL on, detailed, green visions of plants. So many different leaf shapes, stems, tones of greens. These plant visions are new though, been happening for 2 months now. Had one this morning just from weed (but had shrooms and dmt the day before, so yeah, that helps.) I wonder if Asher is on to something here! Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence β Shiva β eternal Purusha. What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving β‘See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.β‘May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 21-May-2019 Last visit: 04-Sep-2019
Yeah I am smoking it out of the same pipe, but I've cleaned this pipe before... and I smoked that changa a very long time ago with a pipe screen, so I don't think I somehow got some DMT in me...
What I experienced was similar to my past experiences with cannabis, like when I just got into it, and when my tolerance was super low... I was tired and I smoked quite a bit, so maybe that + focusing on my 3rd eye caused me to hallucinate and think I was dying? Then again my heart was beating so fast...
I just pray that doesn't happen again, I was like borderline about to call an ambulance.. I really thought I was about to just die, it was more intense than any trip I've ever had... and it only lasted 10 minutes
 I can't think of anything important or deep to add here, excuse me!
Posts: 356 Joined: 27-Oct-2018 Last visit: 17-Feb-2023 Location: The dream room, wonderland
HaHaHaHa Asher7 good guess! @Darkai_ How did you clean the pipe? Maybe some DMT vapor condensed on the inside of the pipe, and you applied enough heat to evaporate that condensation and you had a hit of cannabis with few mgs of DMT?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 21-May-2019 Last visit: 04-Sep-2019
Th Entity wrote:HaHaHaHa Asher7 good guess! @Darkai_ How did you clean the pipe? Maybe some DMT vapor condensed on the inside of the pipe, and you applied enough heat to evaporate that condensation and you had a hit of cannabis with few mgs of DMT? Jeez glad I remembered my password after all this time xD Just wanted to confirm that you were completely correct, guess I hadn't cleaned the pipe as well as I thought I had.. Just glad I came here to talk about it before going on to have the same terrifying experience again xD Thank you!