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(UPDATED!) First Re-X increased yield ?!? Second lost 2/3 ( pics included ) Options
#1 Posted : 5/18/2019 7:46:55 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey friends,

Let me start by stating that this as my very first extraction and a lot of it is experimentation and learning. I have another 100g MHRB that I will be doing a new extraction on tomorrow. I am trying to understand the whole Re-X procedure, how many times to do it, whether to use AC, etc. Here is what I did and the results along the way.

1) I did my extraction of the MHRB using Cybs' Hybrid ATB 'Salt' Tek. I did 4 pulls that yielded the result below, which was 1.589 grams

After that I did a Re-X by dissolving in warm heptane. I used much more heptane than I needed, about 100ml. Once dissolved I poured it into the same dish (cleaned) and put it right back in the freezer for 24 hours. After removing from the freezer, I let it dry in front of a fan for about 1 1/2 hours. I noticed that not all of the heptane was evaporated. There was some places around the edge of the dish that were still wet. Is this normal? With the Naptha it was completely dry after.

Here was the end result after scraping. I assumed I would have a loss, but to my surprise, there was MORE. What gives? Could it have still had some heptane soaked in it, increasing the weight or something?

The color looked pretty nice. It reminds me of coffee ice cream, lol. Anyways, I decided I was going to do another Re-X. I wanted to try it with activated carbon this time. Unfortunately, the Nexus was acting up and I couldn't get online to get the critical info I needed, but I went ahead anyway. I made some mistakes and lost quite a bit.

I heated up some heptane and heated up the crystals in separate beakers. Once the crystals began melting, I slowly added the heated heptane until it was all dissolved. It was about 50 ml. Then I added the AC and left it on the hot plate for a few minutes. I think I put in way too much activated carbon. It was in pellets though and not crushed. I'm not sure if I was supposed to crush it first. Then I ran it through a coffee filter to filter it, which was a bad idea. I read other on here saying not to do that, but it was too late Sad I didn't presoak the filter or anything and I think a lot got lost in the filter. I also spilled some, which accounted for some loss.

After that, I was down to about 20ml of liquid. I left it in a small 50ml beaker and let it sit for a couple hours. Then info the refrigerator for a couple hours, then the freezer for 20 hours. This was the end result. It is just under 0.5 g. It looks like a more lighter yellow rather than a light brown, as it was previously, but also has this saturated look to it. Could there still be heptane saturated in it?

Ok, so question time. Keep in mind, I am not concerned about the yield amount, but more about the purity. Also, I have not tried any of this yet.

1) At what point do you think I should stop? Should I have stopped after the first Re-X without the AC?

2) I messed up the AC wash, but on the next batch, would you recommend not doing the AC wash at all? If I do it, I am going to buy this vacuum setup along with some celite . Do you think that is worth doing?

3) Do you think a mini A/B would be better? If so, when would you do that? Would you do that AND the other washes or just that?

4) How do I know if there is in fact any solvent left in the product? What is the best what to dry it? Should I break up the crystals in the last image so it will dry better or leave them?

Thanks so much for the expert advice!


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#2 Posted : 5/25/2019 8:19:07 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Ok, I wanted to give you guys an update. I didn't get any responses, so here is what I did.

I purchased the buchner funnel vacuum filter kit ( not the one I posted ) and when I finished my next extraction I did a re-x. After decanting all the dark goo, I added the .5 gram of the previous extraction to my the liquid, added the activated carbon and vacuum filtered it. I also bought a vacuum descanter to assist in drying and making sure all of the solvent was removed from the product.

I started out with 2.6 grams and by the end I was left with .56 grams. Perhaps the activated carbon was not worth it. Idk. The product looks pretty awesome though. I have not tried it yet as I am waiting to get together with some friends (perhaps tomorrow). It was a pretty big loss, much more than I was expecting, but if if the product is better, I don't mind too much. It didn't come out white, but it is a nice fluffy yellow with a very light color.

Let me know what you guys think. Did I go to far with the purification and loose too much? Do you think it would have been just as good without the AC?

Also, I think a good portion of the product actually go caught in the layer of Diatomaceous earth that was added to the filter. I could smell the DMT in it after it dried. Does anybody have experience with that? Do you suggest not using that perhaps?

Here's my progress and result pics

The result from my second yield, before any Re-X

Second yield heated in heptane for Re-X

The two yields combined with AC added to the mix

The resulting heptane after the filtering

The final product from about 170g of MHRB. It is small, and I did loose much due to learning mistakes, but it does look yummy

Hope you guys enjoyed that. It was quite the experience. I would really love some feedback on the whole thing. I have another 300g of MHRB so I would love some pointers to use for my next extraction!

#3 Posted : 5/25/2019 12:03:55 PM

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its only your first extraction and you already well equiped, nice man!

i read somewhere that too much of AC can absorbed your spice so you need to use the minimum amount of it when extracting, actually it was on mescaline extract but i assume it goes for spice as well.

my suspicius is that the AC absorbed also the fats and oils of mimoza and that is part of your loss after AC, so for the next time, buy sepratory funnel and do few b.carbonate washes and then you see 3 layer on sep.funnel, bottom is water, middle is fats and oils and the upper is your solvent with spice, then you can pull ONLY the solvent by using 50ML pipete and to make sure that you have no fats and oils in your solvent, it is also ensure your spice will not have any basic extraction water.
the adventage of sep.funnel is that you can add new hot b/carbonate wash and mix really good and decant the carbonate wash, and because everything is hot the oils will melt/move to the bottom of sep.funnel after decant the carbonate water freely and not get bit gooie and act more like liquid oil.

in my expirience after this prosses the spice will start to crystalized very quick and even before its put in the freez which is indicate much more purified spice because the fats and oils takes more energy(freez) to crystalized,

after you make this washes you can decide if you want to purified it more with re-x of AC.

best regardes, and enjoy your extraction!
though the minds may be different, the body forms may be different
it is through the heart that we recognize our spirits are one.

everything im writing is a complete fiction and it is only a reflection of my imagination.
#4 Posted : 5/25/2019 12:32:26 PM
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Fractalus Thanks for the tip!. That makes perfect sense about the AC. I really wasn't sure how much to use and I have a feeling I used more than I should have. The separator funnel is a great idea and sounds well worth it. I will grab one for my next extraction.

Fractalus wrote:

in my expirience after this prosses the spice will start to crystalized very quick and even before its put in the freez which is indicate much more purified spice because the fats and oils takes more energy(freez) to crystalized,

That is great news, because this batch crystalized very quickly. I put it in a 25ml beaker let it sit on the table and cool to room temperature and there were crystals pretty quickly just at room temp. I read that cooling slowly could give better crystals so I decided to do a little experiment and left it sitting on the hotplate that I just used, but turned off. This way it cooled slower, as the hotplate cooled. It doesn't take long for the hotplate to cool, but more than nothing. I let it sit there for a couple hours though. I put it in the fridge for a few hours and then in the freezer for 24 hours. I was hoping to get large crystals to form from the sides, but instead everything formed on the bottom, which isn't a big deal. It all came out very easy. I poured it out into the buchner funnel and vacuumed it real quick and I was left with the product in the last pic. It is in the desiccator now just for extra drying.

I read that hanging a seed crystal on a string so that it hangs right in the center of the beaker can get those larger crystals to grow. I may try that next time too.
#5 Posted : 5/26/2019 3:59:45 AM
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Would you say the last pic is good to smoke or would you put it through more re-x or something like a mini a/b? Would another re-x help to remove more impurities / yellow?

It is a bright yellow, like a pastel color. Other yellows I've seen on here are usually darker, so I just want to be sure.

#6 Posted : 6/2/2019 1:32:53 AM
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Just another update in case anybody is interested. I decided to experiment to try and remove some of the yellow. It seemed pretty bright in the last batch. I did a mini a/b ( first time ) and then after that I did a sodium carbonate wash. Unfortunately, the product looks pretty much the same afterwards. I would say it is not as bright as it was before, but still just as yellow. The yield went from 0.54 to 0.51. I'm not sure what else, if anything, I can do to clean this batch up, so I will stick with what I have for now.

I am also starting a new extraction today with another 100mg MHRB. This time, I am going to try out Vovin's tek. It looks like more work, but I am curious to see the result differences. This tek calls for filtering out the plant material, where Cyb's does not. I will it you know how it goes

#7 Posted : 6/2/2019 6:02:12 AM
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I'm curious why you are attempting to "clean the batch up". DMT is polymorphic and can be pure in Yellow or Clear form. And just judging by this being your first extraction common sense tells me you havent tried it yet so it could be amazing already. Just not the color you want. Which to each their own but it seems like you already have some good Dimitri to explore with.
#8 Posted : 6/2/2019 6:05:25 AM
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Crazylegsmagoo wrote:
I'm curious why you are attempting to "clean the batch up". DMT is polymorphic and can be pure in Yellow or Clear form. And just judging by this being your first extraction common sense tells me you havent tried it yet so it could be amazing already. Just not the color you want. Which to each their own but it seems like you already have some good Dimitri to explore with.

hey, It was more about experimentation and learning so I can hopefully do things better / right on the next extraction.
#9 Posted : 6/3/2019 6:26:22 AM
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Crazylegsmagoo wrote:
I'm curious why you are attempting to "clean the batch up".

I took your advice. Me and three of my friends gave it a try and it was amazing! It was easily the best DMT I've ever had. It left zero residue on my GVG and was not harsh on the lungs. 3 of us broke through, if not all 4. It was all their first time, but we did it a couple of times. I only broke through on my second try after increasing the dose from 40mg to 50mg. We also perfected out technique by having someone else hold the pipe and lighter and just tell the person smoking when to inhale and when to exhale. It helped a lot.

Anyways, the stuff was really, really good. Thanks!
#10 Posted : 6/4/2019 2:27:32 AM
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jibbs wrote:
Crazylegsmagoo wrote:
I'm curious why you are attempting to "clean the batch up".

I took your advice. Me and three of my friends gave it a try and it was amazing! It was easily the best DMT I've ever had. It left zero residue on my GVG and was not harsh on the lungs. 3 of us broke through, if not all 4. It was all their first time, but we did it a couple of times. I only broke through on my second try after increasing the dose from 40mg to 50mg. We also perfected out technique by having someone else hold the pipe and lighter and just tell the person smoking when to inhale and when to exhale. It helped a lot.

Anyways, the stuff was really, really good. Thanks!

Amazing. I would be very interested in hearing about how you like to use the spice with a dab rig. SWIM has yet to try this but the research I've done has SWIM borderline convinced it's the most effective way with least waste. Breakthrough experiences with as little as 0.07mg. Very intriguing. If you are called back and try this method please share!!
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