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I FINALLY BROKE THROUGH (accidentally) Options
#1 Posted : 4/20/2019 6:54:58 PM

-I am fart

Posts: 44
Joined: 07-Mar-2019
Last visit: 06-May-2019
Twenty something extractions, ounces of changa, just never could work up the courage for anything after the first hit. It took me a while to build the courage to even start holding it in. Today I repurposed an old cannabis distillate cartridge and made a DMT cartridge from approx 1000mg dissolved into .5ml of PPG. Due to it being vaporized at such a low heat, I didnt realize how big of a hit i was actually taking until I started to exhale a small cloud, even after holding it for a solid 10 seconds. When i saw the cloud, I was immediately horrified thinking "Dear god.. what have I just done". My fear lasted less than 5 seconds before my fear and reality seemed to fade in synchronization with a strange bell like noise growing ever louder in the distance. I tried to self asses, my inner dialogue cant hear me, attempts seem futile. Out of nowhere my inner dialogue screams "we're moving!" I didn't understand In probably the most ape like manner I replied "Wut?" then suddenly I felt as though I was a fish being pulled from the bottom of the ocean, I shot through what I want to describe as a "worm hole" but was really more of just an extreme tunnel vision version of my current reality composed of various colors and features in the room re-imagined as a Jackson Pollock piece. The Worm Hole was pulsing and moving and I shot through it so fast I barely even had time to process it before I did a full Michael Jordan in Space Jam and hit this invisible, black, dense, opaque, elastic wall. It streeeeetched and brought me to an almost complete stop, and I remember thinking, "when this thing releases the tension I just pulled into it, Its going to slingshot me back to earth like a bullet and there's no invisible net to catch me on earth." but right before I came to a stop, I ripped through it into what I can only describe as a geometric wonder realm. The only "feelings" I can remember were Awe, astonishment, and at times fear. I felt as though I was seeing proof of something I had previously not believed to be true. I don't know what that great truth reveal was, I just remember thinking "you'll never accept what this means when your'e back home". I don't know what the fuck I saw to be perfectly honest and I would feel unsatisfied with any description I would ever be able to put into words because there aren't words for it. I'm not sure if it was profound, I'm not sure if it was life-changing, and then I'm completely sure that it was both. Maybe it was and I'm choosing to have the "I don't know what I saw" outlook because the other outlook would require me understanding it, which is something i'm certain i'll never be able to do.Crying or very sad Laughing Big grin o well Peace and love and cheers

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#2 Posted : 4/20/2019 7:11:08 PM

Like a stone in the shoe...

Posts: 228
Joined: 19-Mar-2019
Last visit: 20-Jun-2024
Congrats Iamfart!

It also took me a while to break through, but it had to more with the bubbler I was using.

#3 Posted : 4/20/2019 7:14:21 PM

-I am fart

Posts: 44
Joined: 07-Mar-2019
Last visit: 06-May-2019
Thank you lol, I couldnt give you a logical reason for why I think I deserve a congratulations ,but nonetheless I do. Laughing Big grin
#4 Posted : 4/20/2019 7:38:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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So now that you've had a breakthrough, are you looking forward to another one?
"It may be that my role in the universe is, to question my role in the universe."
#5 Posted : 4/20/2019 7:52:23 PM

-I am fart

Posts: 44
Joined: 07-Mar-2019
Last visit: 06-May-2019
That is a very difficult question to answer. I would describe the experience as overall positive but not in any way euphoric. I'm still not sure if I would be able to intentionally put myself there. I'm going to wait awhile before I make my next attempt for sure. I still need to meditate on the experience from last night. I feel as though im in a peculiar mind frame in which I could either ruin DMT for myself forever by rushing in to my next breakthrough too fast, or achieve a mindset in which I'm relatively comfortable having break through experiences from now on. Razz
#6 Posted : 4/21/2019 12:41:59 AM

Like a stone in the shoe...

Posts: 228
Joined: 19-Mar-2019
Last visit: 20-Jun-2024
Iamfart wrote:
Thank you lol, I couldnt give you a logical reason for why I think I deserve a congratulations ,but nonetheless I do. Laughing Big grin

For being brave? Thumbs up

Iamfart wrote:
That is a very difficult question to answer. I would describe the experience as overall positive but not in any way euphoric. I'm still not sure if I would be able to intentionally put myself there. I'm going to wait awhile before I make my next attempt for sure. I still need to meditate on the experience from last night. I feel as though im in a peculiar mind frame in which I could either ruin DMT for myself forever by rushing in to my next breakthrough too fast, or achieve a mindset in which I'm relatively comfortable having break through experiences from now on. Razz

Practice. Once you break through a few times, you are not afraid of it anymore.
#7 Posted : 4/29/2019 4:57:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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LOL I was fortunate enough not to know anything about it beforehand.

I hope you got what you needed from it and are successful integrating the experience!
"In this secret room, from the past, I seek the future..."
#8 Posted : 4/29/2019 2:43:24 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ah, cool Thumbs up I'm terrified of breaking through so it was good for me to read this Very happy
#9 Posted : 5/6/2019 12:40:18 AM

-I am fart

Posts: 44
Joined: 07-Mar-2019
Last visit: 06-May-2019
Tara123 wrote:
Ah, cool Thumbs up I'm terrified of breaking through so it was good for me to read this Very happy

I've broken through two more times since this experience (two experiences in one night) and while I would be comfortable saying I'm less anxious going in to them now, I'm certainly not unafraid by any stretch of the imagination. I was shaking with sweaty palms going into my second breakthrough lol but the key difference was, while still very afraid to do so, I was actually still able to do it. Hope this helps!Wink Very happy Big grin peace and love and cheers
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