Hi everyone!
I've been on a journey my entire life. Many downs and issues trying to make sense of all this constantly striving for more material objects. My mind was cracked open like an egg some years ago but I was too young and honestly naive to understand or accept the message. I spent the last 5 years working on myself spiritually and finding a partial balance. I had a profound experience on mushrooms a while ago that changed everything. I could try to explain but I can't, as most of you understand. I have come to the realization that I know very little and how closed I was to so much more. I have come here because I find a group of people who have the same respect for these things, and it's just great to join with like minded individuals. During this journey we call life I ended up here months ago and that has changed me in ways (positive) that I could go on about for hours. I'm still a bit of a human mess, society has not been good to us. But I have begun to find freedom and am now preparing for my first breakthrough. Thank you to everyone who contributed towards mental prep posts, I wish more understood that extraction methods are one thing, that's the easy part. Which I find greatly interesting, but what I find more intriguing is the spiritual and mental aspect. I am here to learn, and contribute where I can and to enjoy myself at the same time. I am a person who views these matters with a great deal of respect and a deep love for nature. I think we have something in common with everything and we need to connect to our roots again. Once again thanks to everyone for the info, many would be lost without a good place like this. Well I hope to get to know some of you and share my stories, and be enlightened and gain knowledge from those who have learned more than me. This journey we call life.
Travelling this journey we call life.