You have music with lyrics you relate to and enjoy, well if that is the case they may serve you better than a ice cold techno piece you never heard before.
Try a experiment see which serves you best after all its your journey only you can navigate the labyrinth of you mind. Forget about what others tell you is best for you. Because YOU are the one!
Music and other Shamanic tools are exactly that simply tools to help one achieve a desired altered state.
Me I can reach that state with Heavy Metal, Classic Rock , even Country music and pure old FUNK and of course also techno and instrumental tracts. As well as dead silence it just depends on were I need to go in my journey.
I believe you can find the truth by your self, you need no advice or guidance from others because you have a wonderful gift your own consciousness and if you look deep enough into it you will find you already posses every thing you will ever need to know and more.
True once you reach hyperspace you will have no comprehension of the exterior physical world of sights and sounds but the last thing you hear upon departure as well as the first thing you comprehend on return can be the most profound awe inspiring aspect of the entire experience.
The ultimate decision is ALWAYS personnel. Happy trails Brother.
Its your trip take it any way that best suits you, we can not tell you what is best for you. That is yours and yours alone.
Edit.. after some thought the best can not go wrong audio is with out a doubt the sound of nature always works for me. Sounds of rain, wind , river, ocean, birds in the trees..
live in a shitty place like me they got audio nature tracks to. If you can trip in nature that is preferred. I was out in the latest east coast US snow storm I walked to the small creek and hunkered down for about two hours as the snow feel heavily there was already over a foot on the ground and covering all the trees in white. It was erriely silent as the memorizing white crystals fell from the sky.
No sound at all except for a occasional bird in the woods and a very faint sound of the water running across the rocks. I had my small flask, two pipes, and a hand warmer. Next time I will be wearing better boots so I can stay a bit longer. Looking forward to the next big snow.