I want to know whether any of you have set your e-cig devices to have incremental 5mg doses per hit and tried to breakthrough that way.
In my experiences in real life and reading here, high doses of DMT (<50mg) are weird in that for some people they breakthrough rather quickly without having much of a ramp up of open eye visuals, noises, blending of the senses etc (they see a few CEV and suddenly they are transported).
Whereas with the old "take the third hit" approach people seem to have a lot more time in limbo where a lot of fear and resistance can take place. Naturally this occurs because our minds want to make sense of reality for survivals sake, but have any of you transcended this?
Is it possible to breakthrough incrementally without not even understanding what a vaporizer is let alone making sense what it means to be a human or even what reality is in this upper pre-breakthrough states.
If you haven't feel free to tell your stories of navigating "reality" in this pre-breakthrough stage
Emptiness attached the following image(s):

(48kb) downloaded 113 time(s).