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Vaping d-limonene residues Options
#1 Posted : 3/12/2019 2:37:19 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi, i searched in this forum and outside about d-limonene residues. well, i always prefer cooking with foodsafe ingredients avoiding petrochemicals. But one thing about this kind of procedures is that dlimo always leave some residues, and not in trace amounts. Dlimo is used to make candy, gum, aromatherapy, clean solutions and so on. I know that in contact with ozone can produce cancerigenous components (but it seems that nail beauty treatment places have far most dangerous components in the air).

Anyway, i can conclude that we eat limonene in certain amounts everyday, so what about not purifying extractions made with limonene (specifically bufotenine from yopo seed in a sodium carbonate and dry acetone involved process)? What about smoking some extractions with a citrus dlimo flavour in it?

The dlimo i can get is a yellow oily solution, smell like oranges. Its called limoneno dextro, but has no information about it purity (they sell it as a 3d printer cleaning).

Any guess?


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#2 Posted : 3/12/2019 6:33:00 AM

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#3 Posted : 3/12/2019 2:26:39 PM
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#4 Posted : 3/12/2019 10:36:20 PM

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If it's yellow it's been pressed from citrus skins, not steam distilled, and has a bunch of other stuff in. Also, limonene oxidises slowly in air to produce a variety of by-products; both of these reasons mean you might not want to smoke it. Some people report finding the flavour to be nauseating.

If you can take steps to clean up your product (e.g. dissolve in ethanol and allow to evaporate slowly) then it would be worth doing so.

Also, by the looks of the photo, plasticizers have probably leached from the bottle into the limonene and you don't want that either. Getting rid of them without using petrochemical solvents will be tricky.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#5 Posted : 3/13/2019 2:27:01 AM
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what do you mean plasticizers? You mean from the label? My bottle is made of metal. I checked and it doesn't have any holes...

I'll try this proto-tek (trying to help with its development) located at collaborative research subforum: here

Bufotenine is soluble in ethanol at 20°C (I have 96% pure edible ethanol, hope it works). But what if the stuff left by limonene is also soluble in ethanol? I'll be mixing the stuff and the bufo with the ethanol and then evaporate the ethanol to get the same bufo+dlimo stuff. Do I have to test the solubility of dlimo stuff only in the organic solvents I have? Both ethanol and dry acetone work with bufo freebase, hope one of them doesn't dissolve the dlimo stuff, so i can filter it out

#6 Posted : 6/9/2019 7:02:43 PM


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We might be in the same country, because the limonene that I'm finding is the same.
How did the extraction and everything go?
What's the verdict about the product?
Thumbs up
Let's be honest: the Questionnaire is toooooo long and deep!

"One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws" - Martin Luther King
#7 Posted : 8/12/2019 1:30:51 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Algodritmo wrote:
We might be in the same country, because the limonene that I'm finding is the same.
How did the extraction and everything go?
What's the verdict about the product?
Thumbs up

Sorry my friend for too late answer but i didnt get any email notification.

Do you live in a country where all material and non-material things can be named as "weá"? I live in that country (nacío y criao).

The product is crystal clear, i used for both mescaline and bufotenine extractions. Sadly that one store stop selling the dlimo. I have to flight to the Joao Gilberto's country for work, the dlimo there is around 9 lucas (50R) for 1lt. i'll buy 2 liters, and other interesting things (nothing illegal in my country). It leave residues, but changing the procedure you can avoid smoke dlimo (pour off twice in new jars to leave goodies precipitated, not evap the dlimo in a dish), and for mescaline, there was no worry about cuz the tek.

As for the extractions, well, the mescaline run with troubles, but for the first time was ok, i need more cacti for new runs. The bufotenine extraction it's too complicated, but in my third run i was able to get nearly pure bufo, i hope my 4th run give me more pure goodies. The bufo itself is "la joya" as a psychedelic, tried by myself. that's why im gonna do the test it needed to get pure bufo.
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