Welcome dude,
We'll gratefull to hear some life changing experience you could have by past, i'm pretty sure some are written in the rock

Some interesting things could to hear your pov of the evolution of psych substance during the time (dosage, types ...) all ways carried by an harm reduction approach, it can be very nice for young comers into psych to have informations

From what i think, how i perceive the reality is like my internal reflect, if i'm sad i'll see saddness around me, in the other way if i'm happy world is great.
For years i was stucked into the life is pretty bad because of what you mentionned. later i understood how to construct my reality, i'm allways onto that, to have a better life and concerns. used to work on myself with different tools (as some psych can be if properly used), self dev and trust in me to not be deviated from from the objective (be me, be good with other and me, give energy to other and not judge them, be humble). This helped to be focus on what i want and not focused on the "dopaminergic society".
As you said, educate oursleves and each other will help to reduce "the bad" and help propagate good vibes around us, it's an allday work !