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Intro Essay from a psychedelic noob. Options
#1 Posted : 2/22/2019 6:52:08 AM

Looking inside, blossoming outside.

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Joined: 20-Feb-2019
Last visit: 16-Dec-2020
Location: Splattered across the stars.
Hi All, I’m a 5 on the Enneagram so that will get you oriented to my personality and writing style. I’m a noob to psychedelics. I’m in my middle 50’s and for the past few years been listening to lots of podcasts about psychedelics and really wanted to try them. Did shrooms for the first time in Nov 2018 and 2 times since then so 3 times total. My 3rd trip was pretty cool. Started out with some fear and paranoia and then it flipped to nice feelings of bliss, peace, and connection. Everyday since then I make a point of remembering that experience and the memory makes me feel good. Very nice to directly experience grace coming in and lifting me to a wonderful place. I’ve had social anxiety most of my life and it has reduced quite a bit since the 3rd trip. Also my general mood has lifted since that 3rd trip; my mind and emotions are more relaxed and smooth. If I had known shrooms had this much healing power I would have taken them many years ago. I did a lot of research before my trips and made sure to create a good set and setting and be well prepared. My preparations paid off and so far my total experiences with psychedelics have been positive. I plan to trip more in the future and I want to make sure I’m well prepared. That’s why I want to join dmt-nexus so I can ask those questions that I don’t find answers for on your forum or google or youtube. I know most (almost all) of my questions will get answered with some searching, but I may have one or two where I can’t find a good answer. If all goes well I’ll trip some more soon and dive deeper into this amazing world (and so far it’s been amazing to me). It’s helping me be a little happier. Pretty cool. I sincerely hope the current efforts to legalize mdma and shrooms will be successful.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/24/2019 6:13:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome to the nexus.

You are a number 5 on the Enneagram ? I did not know what this is, so I googled. If I have to classify myself into a group, it would be same number.

Good to know that the use of psychedelics served you well. As always when you ' discover ' something, you wonder why you didn't do so earlier. But better late than never. Stay on using them and keep us informed about future trips Smile.

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak
#3 Posted : 2/25/2019 3:07:51 AM

Looking inside, blossoming outside.

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Joined: 20-Feb-2019
Last visit: 16-Dec-2020
Location: Splattered across the stars.
Been about 3 weeks since that 3rd shroom trip and I'm still feeling groovy and relaxed. This is the best I've felt in many years so I'm just amazed at the healing power of this medicine. Very happy I'll be (carefully) tripping more before too long. I've heard on some podcasts that psychedelics are especially beneficial for older brains that can get stuck in mental and emotional ruts. If I get approved for membership I'll post my trip report in the shrooms forum. Peace and Light,
#4 Posted : 2/27/2019 12:49:20 AM

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m3110w - It is very encouraging to hear about your positive experiences, thank you for sharing them with us! Would love to hear more about your voyage when you get approved. I think your story is one that will be inspirational to others who might be contemplating a voyage, and want to have knowledge about how to best prepare for a trip. Keep sending out that positive energy back into the universe, and spiral out!

"How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there is nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it." -Sasha Shulgin

"My god...it's full of stars!"
#5 Posted : 2/27/2019 6:38:09 AM

Looking inside, blossoming outside.

Posts: 3
Joined: 20-Feb-2019
Last visit: 16-Dec-2020
Location: Splattered across the stars.
Yep, I've got the trip report written up and ready to go. Smile I've heard many amazing psychedelic healing stories on various podcasts. Now I'm (finally) happy to offer my own story if I get approved. Peace and Love,
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