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#1 Posted : 2/4/2019 11:14:57 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 06-Nov-2018
Last visit: 23-Mar-2022
Location: Liverpool
Hello all.

Been lurking on this forum off and on for a few years now. Finally got round to setting up an account a couple of months ago and I decided it was high time to say hello.

I was big into psychedelics 25-30 years ago. Mostly blotters but also plenty of microdots and mushies. Scenes changed and I hardly touched them until a couple of years ago when I met ‘the others’. Happy to report me and my other half have tripped many times over the last couple of years. Blotters mixed with mushies, maybe half an e and something new too. One of these others always carries a pouch of changa. This one and his friend are to be seen often these days out with me and my other half. The four of us have had many adventures together and the changa usually accompanies us but always this other would talk about having a proper hit on a pipe instead of the spliffs we were having.

Fast forward to one week ago.

The four of us met at ours after work on the Monday night. We are involved in a caper together that is taking some planning and we really needed to have the meeting. Discussions ensued, decisions were made, the meeting ended and the night was still young. The other had brought has dmt with them. A pipe was loaded with mostly changa and some freebase. Tunes were selected. Advice was given and then the pipe was heated.

Omg. It was pretty harsh. I’m an experienced weed smoker and this tested me but I managed to hold it all in and then lift off! Nothing could have prepared me for the visuals. I was instantly a convert. 2 days later I ordered my first mhrb.

I followed Cyb’s tek STB but with a large jar instead of the litre bottle. Only did 4 pulls because limited freezer space but still got 0.86g from 53g mhrb. My lye saturated mix is sat in a bottle and I will probs do a couple more pulls this weekend.

By Sunday lunchtime I have a lovely pile of crystals from white to yellow to brown. I used pretty hot water topped up from a kettle to eliminate the need for a flame. I attribute the darker shades to the hotter water I didn’t have a thermometer but it was too hot to hold your finger in. Be aware of temperature gradients on cheap glass if you try this yourself. The big jar made mixing a lot easier but my layer of Naptha was so thin it was hard to suck up cleanly so I transferred everything to a bottle. Ended up using a turkey blaster (they are shit but can shift volume quickly) and a syringe I have for administering medicine to my cat (far too small and took an age but good for precision).

I messaged this other and they were soon on their way round to ours. They arrived bearing gifts of Syrian rue and an assortment of Harmala herbs. An inspection of my crystals was made and all was declared good. Suggestion was made that friend visit with heptane this Thursday to clean up my yellow and brown into white. I don’t think I am going to do this now however.

Friend left after leaving some guiding words. Me and my other half started with a brew of syrian rue. 3.5g each. Resulting brew then mixed with chai vanilla tea and sugar. Was perfectly palatable. Used lime juice for the citric acid. Used a short wooden pipe with a small bowl ash layer style. Measured out some relatively small doses and after waiting for the tea to kick in I had my first blast on the pipe. Good lighter technique led to efficient utilisation of the product. Me other half prepared my 2nd blast then when I had come down sufficiently it was their turn.

All was good and I decided to have another hit. I eyeballed this dosage and placed it all in the bulb in one go for one hit instead of splitting it like last time. It was a bit much. I had been intending to keep the doses visual rather than breakthrough to get a feel before I took the plunge. As I took the last blast on the pipe I knew instantly this was a *lot* more than any time before. I’ve lost the plot on LSD enough times to know when I’m about to be overwhelmed by the experience. My ego didn’t like it and it desperately tried to hang on. I stood up and paced from my front room, through to the back room and then the kitchen and back again. Waves would hit me. I could see myself melting away. Visuals were off the scale with my eyes open in full light. My kitchen was melting away and looked like a portal. I could barely place one foot in front of the other as I went to have a look. My kitchen is harshly lit. The white walls melted away and I could see somewhere else beyond them.

While I the kitchen my tunes how moved from an ambient part of the album to a part more Beaty and insistent. They were jarring my consciousness badly and I staggered back to my front room to sort them out.

The waves were feeling so body heavy. How I was seeing all of this while staying reasonably straight in my head I couldn’t comprehend. How I was staying on my feet was a miracle of concentration it seemed. I did however have a constant fear of just succumbing to the feeling and keeling over. There are a lot of sharp edges and unforgiving surfaces in my house. I want my breakthrough dose to be in a field somewhere. Roll on the summer.

The peak passed and I could just enjoy he trip again without feeling freaky. I have 4 cats. Cats are boss things to interact with on dmt. They run away when I’m on lsd. My tabby looked particularly spectacular on the dmt.

Had a couple more lower dose hits before calling it a night. Can’t believe I didn’t discover it years ago. Still have another 167g of mhrb to process but have plenty of dmt left for now. Was a bit groggy in work today. Was a lack of sleep. I only had 4 hours or so but there was also a light high feeling. In fact I still feel a little of that buzz now as I’m writing this the next evening.

I messaged my friend as the night went on to keep them updated as to our progress. Their last message to me was of how proud they were of me. They said they had turned on so many people to dmt but in all the time I was the only one who had gone on to make my own and then return the favour and all within a week. Happy with that me. My friend now has a tek buddy.

One thing my other half noticed. My pipes were not harsh. They melted efficiently and did not catch in the throat at all. This leads me to believe my pulls were super clean and any colouring was from extra alkaloids maybe extracted due to the higher than usual heat I used in my bath. If you vaped this stuff you wouldn’t even realise you were smoking something until it hit you.

I’d like to say thank you to the people of the nexus. The valuable information contained here has been put to good use. I did chemistry at a level many years ago so I can understand the principles of the teks and that helped as well.

Sorry to have gone on so long. That’s my whole experience of dmt so far. If you have read all the way to here then well done (or commiserations). Any thoughts, advice or comments welcome.


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/5/2019 6:00:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 788
Joined: 24-Dec-2017
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
ScouserTommy wrote:
I eyeballed this dosage

Makes me cringe every time I read something like this Smile

Great report and I am glad you like your journey! Hopefully you will spend another $20 and get yourself a mg scale
#3 Posted : 2/5/2019 5:52:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 06-Nov-2018
Last visit: 23-Mar-2022
Location: Liverpool
Hi Exitwound.

Yeah. Wasn’t too clever that. My scales go down to 0.01g. I tried weighing 0.05g on the first go and then halved it to split it between me and my other half. I had been looking for .001 scales but can only find them online these days. The head shop I visited used to do them for about £70 but they don’t carry them anymore. I wondering if sales of them are monitored.

I am going to order myself a set online for this weekend.
#4 Posted : 2/7/2019 6:26:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1
Joined: 20-Aug-2009
Last visit: 11-Jul-2024
Location: Norway
Hello to all members!

I have been only been a reader since 2009. I have 11 years experience. And I have learn much here. I have read many times and wanted to ask question and share some of my experience. Think I have information that will be useful here. After so long extraction experience I have take some info from here and there and when you understand the process. I have experiment much and today my tek is not written down anywhere, it is in my head. So again really want to be allowed to post here
And many times I want to share pictures with you that I have. but I am still not sure how I get permission to post.
Hope I can post soon. 2 times I have posted pictures on the internet in other forum. Last time was not long ago and I don't mean to brag about it, but I did get about 350 replies in 3 days, likes, comments and many questions. Many wanted me to teach them so they get white crystals like I posted.

And back in 2012 I posted some pictures.


So sorry! The pictures I uploaded is large. Going to make it smaller next time if I am allowed.

Love you all. I see many here have posted like 12000 posts and I really want to participate and maybe learn new things and maybe help other members when they have questions.
Viking71 attached the following image(s):
45a1088d-fc3a-41f9-8c4a-4c5a982ce58a.jpg (85kb) downloaded 38 time(s).
20160621_103550.jpg (1,318kb) downloaded 38 time(s).
IMG_20190130_172900.jpg (2,776kb) downloaded 38 time(s).
20151116_223304.jpg (1,661kb) downloaded 37 time(s).
Brennendes Wasser
#5 Posted : 2/8/2019 12:38:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Chemical expert

Posts: 823
Joined: 23-Sep-2017
Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Wow, signed in 2009 and now the first post Very happy Very happy

Really nice pictures indeed hehe! Gave you mine promotion. I guess you have been a special member with this statistic hehehe.

And on topic:

Yes you should definetly buy a milligram scale, in the internet they are really cheap. There is that one everyone uses, it is ~ 20 $ or 30 I dont remember.

And I would not worry that in shops the sales of those are monitored, it is just a regular product of them, they want people to buy it, so you are not depicted as a criminal just by buying a product of a chemistry store.

It is more common with reagents like nitric acid, then you have to give them a reason why you buy those, but of course a scale can not be used to build a bomb ;D Except you are Mc Gyver
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