I’ve been working through my first ever extraction, and wanted to share progress/troubles, and see if anyone had any tips for how to improve yields – either with this batch, or on my next extraction.
I started with a very simple STB extraction as I wanted to just get familiar with the basic materials, and also wanted to keep things contained to the shed, rather than take over the family kitchen with evaporating solvents etc.
Process was something like:
* I put 50g Acacia Acuminata phyllodes/twigs into a blender. I fear that perhaps I didn’t take this far enough, which may be why I’m not pulling much material. While some was powdery, much of this was still quite fibrous - lots of 2-3cm long phyllode sections.
* 750ml water, and 50g of lye into a glass container to dissolve. Added Acacia. Shake, set aside for an hour or so.
* Added 50ml Naptha. Swirl/tip 5-7 times over a 24 hour period.
* Pull naptha from top with a pipette
* Freeze for 12-24 hours.
* Repeat. I’ve done about 5 or so pulls thus far (so we're about 5 days in at this point).
First pull was very pale yellow and after freezing there clearly wasn't enough concentration for anything solid to form. I still had about 50ml of liquid. I then just evaporated away the naptha and was left with a tiny amount of resin that when scraped did turn into a nice powered substance. Would have been maybe 5mg there at most though.
The following pulls I've been a bit more aggressive with agitating things - in the hope that I'll get more contact between the naptha and the alkaloids. The naptha has been coming out a deeper yellow, but it's a similar story after freezing. Some fatty/oil residue remains, but barely enough to even be able to successfully scrape off the glass.
In most recent few pulls, before freezing, I've been evaporating the naptha down until it it gets cloudy and concentrated, which seems to be helping a little when freezing, but ultimately I'm still getting a mostly empty container with a yellow residue.
I've attached two images of what the pulls tend to look like after freezing and pouring off excess naptha. While there are small amounts of material there it's incredibly hard to work with, and just kind of mushes around the glass.
There's also a shot of what the gooey material looks like when you are able to handle it and get it together.
Here's where I might be making mistakes:
* Didn't grind the source material finely enough?
* I'm not doing anything that might help make things less oily...? But ultimately it seems like the yield is the first problem to solve.
* Maybe the little freezer in my bar fridge isn't up to the task?
While I have evaporated away a fair bit of naptha to get access to the residues, I'd guess that this is mostly excess naptha, and that I'm simply not getting many alkaloids into naptha/freezer?
So, I'd think that there are likely still a bunch of alkaloids within the lye soup, but I'm not really sure if I should keep pulling at it, or try something new with it?
BTW, I'm thinking that for the next extraction I'll try this tek:
https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...d_ATB_'Salt'_Tekjojomcgogo attached the following image(s):

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