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Eternity's mirror Options
#1 Posted : 10/5/2018 6:59:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 345
Joined: 01-Aug-2015
Last visit: 22-Mar-2024
Location: Beyond One
Presence is complete and unexcelled engagement and commitment to life.
What is life? Life is everything that is happening.
Anything that you can sense by your perception is of the fabric of the continuity of existence.
And existence is anything and all there is and not is; it is beyond beyond beyond.
Please see there is no such reality as death. Death is an episode in the continuity of timeless time.
BY death is typically thought of as the terrorizing END.
But what is the end? There is no end, because existence is not a narrative, and ends are conceptions intrinsic to stories.
The story of mankind is the story of our mind.
Eternity's mirror glistens diamondally below and above shimmers the divine imagination of Mind.
It requires imagination to construct a story, with a beginning and an end.
If that is the way we are convinced our imagination tells us so, so it becomes our actual experience; though it may not be real.
We are enacting the story we are playing in our mind.
The beginning and the end are in the mind,
and the mind reflects a transcendental object with that object's image cast back inverted on our Mind.
Mind mirrors reality. When you look at yourself in the mirror, that's not actually what other people see.
The fact that there is death implies Eternal Life!
You are afraid of nothing! Fear IS ignorance, for lacking in awareness leads to suffering inevitably.
Is all suffering fundamentally fear?
Therefore conquer this ignorance by the light of understanding.
See existence and non-existence, existence beyond beyond beyond.
I call it eternity.
Please see there is no such reality as death. Death is an episode in the continuity of time.
BY death is typically thought of as the terrorizing END.
But what is the end? There is no end, because existence is not a narrative.
The story of mankind is the story of our mind.
This mind is in eternity. And this mind reflects eternity.
The narrative is in the mind. The beginning and the end are in the mind.
The narrative in the mind implies the non-narrative inherent to eternity.
From the wellspring of eternity the great proliferation and phantasmagoria of existence springs.
Your mortality is your immortality, and awakening means remembering not discovering.
This is my anamnesis.
Genesis is Now, the Mind is Incarnate.

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