SWIM has been attempting his first recistalisation, for this he's aquired some alcaholbased stuff, called N.N. Demethyl Chloride. SWIM loves the name for one, but do any of you guy's know if this is a good thing to use A friend of his, brought some from his work, where it's been used as a break cleaner. SWIM Has evaporated some, and it disapeard in seconds, and left no residu. Yesterday SWIMM has desolved 1 gram of the yellow spice in it, and let it evap. until it whent milky. After that he's put it in the freezer, to recristalize. This morning SWIM can see the yellow layer at the bottem, but doesn't see any cristals.

Can anyone tell my how to go about this. Your help wil be greatly appreciated. Greetzzz from Holland, Dee Em Tea
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