So last night and yesterday I was having a not so good day, and as a result took 2 Valerian 420mg tabs and a coffee, and throughout the day smoked little bits of Kanna 50x with Tobacco, later on had a chicken sandwich with a good 1/4 TSP of black pepper crushed, then sprinkled 2 TSP of Tikka Masala into it, I ate that and then had some more Kanna.
After the sun set I had another coffee and some more Kanna + Tobacco, followed by another chicken sandwich containing the same spices but higher quentities of Black Pepper, 1/2 TSP.
As the night came I started to eat some breakfast bites I had made, used copious amounts of synthetic Vanilla extract during the baking of them, ate about 4 pieces, this started repeating on me with a very odd smell, then I smoked a bit of Cannabis Sativa (very low indica strain maybe 20:80) and started to experience euphoria, extreme euphoria that grew in intensity for about 3 hours, within the first 30 minutes of this I got a warning on my phone that there was a servere forest fire risk in the area, then M told me there was an orange glow above the hill.. my adrenaline shot through the roof, my euphoria was still building and getting out of normal levels, I was coming up for sure, then after looking for fire through binoculars I started to have flashbacks to the fire that destroyed my caravan and house last year, and then the trippy headspace started to become more than obvious, tracers and colour enhancement...
I had to leave the house as lights became too bright and the music too intense!
For about 3 hours I was honestly balls to the walls, tripping and coming up hard as ever, my heart rate was 150 (I have an oximeter for testing) and using that was a bad idea as I got super paranoid about my heart, then after trying to calm myself in the bathroom in the dark it dropped to 60BPM and I felt numbness in my fingers and walking became really tricky, there was a fire over the hill just out of view, so the paranoia was not unfounded.
I ended up coming down about 5 in the morning, and got to sleep finally and my dream was super lucid and very memoravle, but a bit too personal to write here sadly.
Today I definitely feel an afterglow on par with some Acid trips I've had before... I don't know what caused this but my analogy was that the Cannabis I smoked basically set fire to the pile of herbs and spices I ate that day and the Adrenaline of the fire scare must have released or caused a chemical reaction that stopped it being broken down, I dabble with Harmalas on and off but not recently, but I've never felt such euphoric speedy trippiness like that before, I hope not to again..
Hope someone enjoys the read, haha..
Never again.