Swim don't want to make this a whole huge essay but I'll start by saying swim first got the urge to try dmt after watching Alex Jones rant about how he knows all about the clockwork elves and even though he doesn't take it he knows they're not good people blah blah blah. So keep in mind it was Alex Jones along with Rogan who got swim started on this path.
Last night swim smoked dmt for the first time. He's smoked salvia before with crazy trips but that was the extent of his psychedelic use. It was amazing. His bed covers became wavy and vibrant. His eyes started to close but he wanted to keep watching the bed. He "felt" a feminine presence tell him to go ahead and close his eyes, there's more to see. As he closed his eyes a common floral figure he's seen in dmt visualisations after the fact, was above him as he looked up. It slowly started pulling him up into the darkness of space as he continued to try and "let go."
At that point a brief thought crossed his mind. "Alex Jones said some of these guys are decievers." The entity instantly let go and he floated back down to his brain to finish the visuals on Earth.
It was an amazing experience. He tried it again wondering if it was against the rules to do so in one night. Another entity told him, "it's not against the rules but you gonna learn this time" as he proceeded to show him a glimpse of infinity, his bookshelf fragmented into infinite versions of itself. It was overwhelming, I asked questions but received no answers.
For the sake of trying to get to the issue now really quickly, he tripped again this morning, different setting, not as pleasant, more visual distortions of furniture, confusing messages, but not an overall bad trip.
It's safe to say he's having a hard time "trusting" these entities. He's suspicious of their intentions. How can he ever know?
Anyway the messed up synchronicity. Alex Jones today, only a day after his first trip, after previously having demonized dmt and not speaking of it for a while, posts this video.
https://youtu.be/y32lu7u4UPIWhat the heck dudes?