Recently, I've been attempting to procure ayahuasca derived from wild Phalaris grass that I have (hopefully) identified properly. For my MAOI I use a tea brewed with turmeric and black pepper.
If I were to orally consume boiled down, acidified tea out of my grass that I have harvested, would it be harmful to consume mis-identified, non-phalaris grasses while under the effects of an MAOI?
Also, the procedure I have been going with (and plan to continue going with) goes like this: Freeze and thaw grass multiple times, put in blender, put in pot of water with acidic solution, boil down until half a cup of thick, green liquid remains. Then consume half an hour after the MAOI. Is this correct? Also, if this were to be boiled down into a paste, would it be smokable? Thanks
Also, does Phalaris grass ever stay less than a meter tall or is it always 2 meters or taller? I am using both Phalaris Aquatica and Phalaris Arundinicae.