I've come to report a little tidbit from the frontlines of dreamland. The dream was as follows: the plan was to take LSD and syrian rue to see how the rue would alter the behavior of LSD. i have mixed feelings about acid. no doubt it is an entheogen par excellence, though there is something missing, in my opinion. while inargueably profound and life changing, still i find LSD to be cold, forceful, edgy, metallic and over-analytical, without any spiritual presence (plant spirit) to help navigate the sometimes unrelenting barrage of information.
with that said, i do appreciate the clarity and the sober quality (when you get past the first couple funhouse experiences!!) to it's influence. there is little "stoned/drugged" quality for me, just radiant clarity that's almost feels more sober than sobriety. this aspect of clarity reminds me more of mescaline than mushrooms or cannabis, which can be cloudy for me at times. anyway, syrian rue multiplies mushroom dreams for me by 2.5 or 3x meaning i would have to take only .3 or .4 grams mushrooms with rue to get a 1 gram experience. i've heard that rue doesn't multiply LSD this drastically but i still didn't want to take the chance.
30 minutes after consuming the rue extract, right when i was feelin' good and mellow, i took 1/2 hit LSD (these hits are decent, not too strong, not too mellow). I got a little alert that said things were going to be quite decent but not overwhelming, so after 30 minutes i took the other half. (by the way, i seem to have developed a keen accuracy with my "alert system". i can feel shivers coming up my spine at usually the 20 or 30 minute mark that quite accurately reflect how intense the journey will be. i don't how to explain it really, it took a while to perfect seeing the signs). when i saw that the rue doesn't, in fact, multiply the dose i dropped another 1 1/2 hits so as to experience the full depth of the combo. immediately i felt my whole spine shake and i tasted lysergic acid to such a degree that it actually tasted like woodrose seeds! i became momentarily concerned for how devastating the dose may end up being. the rue gently said, "i will buffer whatever intensity is thrown your way, sweet one. you may relax." i replied gratefully, "thank you sweet guardian, thank you for allowing me to fully experience the rapture without risk of getting lost!"
the way the 2 1/2 hits of LSD came on with rue was unlike anything i've ever experienced with acid alone. there was the usual energy hurricane coming up the spine but this time it was different. instead of being forceful it was gentle. the acid was like 200,000 watts of energy and the rue was the conductor: i could feel the tidal wave trying to come in but the rue only let enough energy in at a time for me to be able to relax and enjoy myself rather than be pounded into oblivion by the energetic onslaught. instead of being pushy it was reassuring. instead of being cold it was warm and lovey. now don't get me wrong, i feel tremendous love on acid alone, but the warmth to this rue/acid love was more along the lines of mescaline. very friendly, very personal, and very sweetly warm. in fact, i would say that it was the rue that was in control and the acid was more just painting the backdrop. there was an obvious presence that was so wise and so caring. i've experienced this presence before...it's called the plant spirit! much to my astonishment, the acid now had a plant teacher inside the experience teaching me the various aspects that the mind can only dimly fathom on it's own accord. it was like the rue was the teacher and the book we were learning from was "lysergic visions."
i can now understand what the shaman means when he says that the Caapi vine is the teacher and the DMT plants merely illuminate the caapi's vision. since DMT is so obviously potent and rue/caapi is so obviously not potent, i never understood this seeming contradiction. (i should mention that since i've written this i've had large dose caapi experiences that were INTENSE without any admixtures...the harmalas can be intense at high doses). but it is so: the rue, indeed, was doing all the talking, never the acid. usually acid can be quite speedy for me but with the rue the whole experience was spent lying down watching the mind. no restless movements, no pacing. well, actually, i most certainly was vibrating and shaking with energy at times but still it was never in a way that was overbearing like it can be normally for me on acid alone. it was stimulating rather than speedy, there is a difference. the rue, as usual, provided one of the most useful things to bring along through a high-dose ride: a calm, dispassionate, observer consciousness that doesn't get too swept up by emotions. every titanic perception was merely witnessed and contemplated rather than the perception swallowing me whole and overwhelming my emotional states, as it can at times.
the rue brought serenity, balance, calmness, and peace which was unbroken throughout the entire rapture. the peak lasted a couple hours longer and i was decently high for 24 hours, noticeably high for 36 hours. it really, greatly prolonged the experience. make sure you have a couple days to recoup if you follow this dream to fruition.
after bathing in a warm liquid radiancy for a few hours (the peak) i was thrust into the inevitable post-peak experience: brutal and honest introspection without possibility of escape or justification. anyone who's taken any entheogen seriously has inevitably ended up in the clutches of one of these self-analysis fits, and this applies mostly to the lone voyagers, as extra company can sometimes take away from the brutal honesty of a quiet, solo, 2 in the morning session! i normally find quite an intense introspective quality to acid alone but this time it was accompanied by the warmest teacher...the sweetest therapist. the rue said, "now we are going to line up every thought you've ever had in a single file line." "ummmm, what for?" i said slightly nervously. "i am going to search them and show you where you've been acting in ego, where you've been mislead." oh jeez, here it comes. you could see all the thoughts diverting their eyes trying to find a way out, trying to escape the exposure of their fondest little insecurities.
the rue with it's omnipresent gaze cast a tight-knit web around the entireity of my mind, pulling one-by-one every insecurity i've ever had up and showing it to me. "do you see how this makes you act when you hold onto these things?" the rue said. "i see, i see." this went on for 3 more hours. while other experiences have certainly been more intense, more revelational, more blissful, there is no denying that this was above all the most therapeutic session i've ever had. i give this combo an A+. the combo felt a LOT like pedro dreams. actually it felt more like mescaline than acid, i must say. the warmth, the relaxation took it to a level beyond what i've ever felt acid capable of taking me to. only pedro dreams do me like that...
safe dreaming, dear friends.