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Psychedelic-Facilitated Mystical Experiences and Religiosity - Research Participants Needed! Options
#1 Posted : 4/4/2018 8:11:00 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hello! First off, I'm new to the Nexus, so if I'm breaking any rules posting this, I apologize.
My name is Paul Wyatt and I am a student at Albright College in Reading, PA. I am currently conducting research for my senior thesis. My thesis, initially inspired by Griffiths et al.'s validation of the Mystical Experience Questionnaire, seeks to examine the relationship between religious faith and psychedelic-facilitated mystical experiences. The study is being conducted via an anonymous SurveyMonkey questionnaire and is open to any individual older than 18 who has had an experience they can identify as significant while under the influence of a psychedelic substance.
As you are no doubt aware, psychedelic research is an incredibly exciting field of study re-emerging after decades of prohibition. This survey, which should take between 10-20 minutes to complete, is an opportunity to contribute to our understanding of these strange substances. No personally identifiable information is being collected during this study to protect the anonymity of respondents. The survey is going live today, April 4, 2018, and responses will be collected until Sunday, April 15, 2018.

You can take the survey HERE

Thank you for your participation! After finishing this study, I plan to come back to report my findings, so keep an eye out!

Thank you, and any further questions may be directed to:
Paul Wyatt, Albright College paul.wyatt001@albright.edu
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Barton Thompson, Albright College BThompson@albright.edu

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 4/5/2018 4:22:53 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Interesting stuff; I'm going to fill it out tonight hopefully.

Thanks for contributing to the research in this field, I think it is one of the most important topics to be researched and it's a shame it's taken so long to see it get going again. Although I'm not sure how it can or will fit into our society I see it as being a potential catalyst for major positive changes... Hopefully the world will straighten itself out sooner than later with all these environmental and social problems...

Welcome to the nexus Thumbs up
#3 Posted : 4/5/2018 7:04:16 PM

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I think you'll be okay, but friendly reminder, it's directly stated in the rules that one must not share any real life info. I think its rule 2.7 in the Attitude PageThumbs up
#4 Posted : 4/5/2018 10:51:53 PM


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9Old9Soul9 wrote:
I think you'll be okay, but friendly reminder, it's directly stated in the rules that one must not share any real life info. I think its rule 2.7 in the Attitude PageThumbs up

Since this is in the pursuit of research, and permission was acquired prior to posting, this one is totally kosher. Thumbs up

Please take a few minutes to fill this out and help contribute to some very valuable research.

P.S. - I went ahead and stickied this topic at the top of the Collaborative Research Project section. Cool
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#5 Posted : 4/6/2018 1:31:56 AM

Come what may

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Looks like a waste of time to me... just like religion.
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda
#6 Posted : 4/7/2018 12:27:48 AM

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Filled the survey.

Good luck.
And yes keep us updated with the results when you have them!
#7 Posted : 4/17/2018 12:31:59 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Reading, PA
Thank you everyone for the responses! At this point I am going to be closing the survey to any further respondents and I'll start with the analysis. I'll return in a few weeks to post a link to the completed thesis. Thank you all for the support, and I look forward to sharing the results!
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