mimiAtlas wrote:Welcome to the forum! Apparently someone from another thread just got advanced to full member after two short years.
hopefully someone makes another site sooner than later so information can actually be exchanged freely.
Welcome none the less!
What kind of off-handed welcome is that? People have also been promoted in as short a time as one day (or even one post) before. What is your point? You know that you are free to go build a website and run it any way you would like!
Seriously though, all the information is here and available. New members can also start discussions in the welcome areas about any of the topics in the full member areas by titling them
"re: whatever the topic is".
So the only thing limiting your ability to discuss and gather information is you. In order to be promoted you need to actively participate in the forum, be genuine, and
don't break the rules. Full members have the ability to up or down vote new members based on what they post. After a certain number of votes, you get promoted. It is earned, not given.
Anywho, welcome SYE! It is nice to have you here!
The Nexus is loaded with information about everything psychedelic, and particularly DMT. If you are new to browsing the forum, be sure to have a look through the WIKI, FAQ, and ATTITUDE pages to get a feel for how the forum works and what is expected of its members. Feel free to share a bit more about yourself or how you arrived here, what your interests/goals are etc etc.
Have a good one!
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