This place is a storehouse of great information and some awesome minds.
ethaneum wrote:I have amassed quite the collection of tales regarding other-worldly adventures. By this I mean adventures pertaining to dimensional shattering-cosmic wandering upon geometric, gem-infused lattices which are being tended to by strange, unfamiliar forms who seem to be tended to by the very thing that they are tending to. Of course! THEEEESE adventures, you say! Well then? What of it?
"What of it?" Good question. To experience it full on, in all it's glory, all it's wonderment, all it's multifarious permutations and dispositions. To intrinsically experience and
feeel it infuse, grab onto, relentlessly and continuously shatter every conceivable framework of what you believed to be possible. To see that world, that reality, as it manifests, to be in it, the
knowing as it pours through you, the silliness of all your notions prior , laughable, so so laughable.
We might never get it on-point', but these poignant reminders spread throughout the phenomenal world, little winks given in our direction; reality seems to be not what we assume it to be, it's something so much more..