Hello Nexus,
I am a 56 years old divorced male artist and I have experimented with a variety of psychogenic compounds over the years. My first experiences were in the late 70's with cannabis and LSD which had a dramatic effect on my life and creativity. These experiments introduced me to some much-needed "abstract thinking" which has greatly influenced my current painting style. In a relatively short period of time I morphed from a standard, typical "realistic artist" to a totally off-the-rails Picasso-Dali type hybrid.
Later in life I drifted from my psychogenic drug use in favor of a more health oriented lifestyle, but my passion for self-experimentation always remained present. I found myself researching how self-medicating can be a viable, cost effective way to deal with the many challenges life tosses at you. I experimented with AAS, peptides and HGH (along with intense weight training) which yielded amazingly helpful results, but only when administered in moderation. The negative side effects of AAS proved to be daunting as I grew older, so now I remain at the standard TRT dose of 175mgs/week. Over these past few years I have been researching PRP
(Platelet rich Plasma). Since I am currently on TRT, I am required to self-phlebotomize every few months. Instead of wastefully disposing the extracted blood, I now use a centrifuge, a custom platelet separation process and create my own PRP for skin and hair rejuvenation.
...Life is best when nothing is wasted!
I have also been incorporating my own rejuvenation regimen with self-administered
dermal filler products (like Restylane, Juvederm and Macrolane). I have also used Bocouture and Sculptra to offset other signs of aging such as forehead wrinkles and facial volume loss.
This is why I am here:What brings me to the DMT Nexus is a self help book that I am currently authoring. I have developed a process for evaluating "Truth" when only limited information is available. It is similar to Rene Descartes' process of
"Methodic Doubt" but allows for the illogical nature of our own humanity to be factored in. It requires the reader to reduce his or herself to a point of virtual nothingness in order to properly re-evaluate whatever belief systems s/he might have. You are required to remove all bias, societal indoctrination and preconceived notions before reaching any conclusions on what can be deemed as "Truth." This can apply to your marriage, your job, politics and even one's belief in god and an afterlife.
Being such that I am the author, naturally I am required to test my process on myself and challenge my own belief systems. The results have been astounding! Having to let go of my spiritual beliefs while assessing their validity has presented a very difficult and sometimes "painful" challenge! The reported use of DMT seems to produce a dramatic psychological effect to where a heightened sense of spirituality is chemically opened up to the user. My book's evaluation process requires that one must seek out all possible methods for discovering "Truth" before reaching any determinations, ...so I am required to evaluate DMT as well.
I am VERY familiar with how psychogenic drugs can be a "life changer" in regard to one's spirituality, creativity and belief system, but at the same time, I have learned that much of what I experienced in the past may not be "spiritual" as much as just a chemically-induced distortion of reality. It would take a hell of a lot of "convincing" for me to consider any psychogenic experience as "tapping into the soul" -- so we'll see!
So my quest on the DMT Nexus is the same that I have done on all of the other "life hacking" experiments I have run throughout my life. I research the hell out of it, learn what is the best methods for running a successful experiment, find out how to establish a pure substance and make sure that I am not placing myself in physical danger in the process.
...And that's where you all come in!
"You going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?"