Hello fellow travelers,
For most of my life I have been keenly interested in philosophy of mind. This lead to the cultivation of a meditation practice that has illuminated sources of suffering in my life and my unconscious reactivity towards the external. This practice has been fruitful, yet did not stick until I began exploring entheogens a few years ago.
It is difficult to appreciate our innate capacity to experience alternate states of consciousness until either 1. you are experienced in a meditation/yogic tradition and can access these states for brief periods with great concentration and effort, or 2. you partake in entheogens. Sam Harris's Waking Up turned me onto LSD/psilocybin for its potential for mind-expansion and ability to access these altered states. I did not anticipate its overwhelmingly positive effects on my psyche (cured depression), or how experiences with these molecules has re-oriented my world view from being very introverted, egocentric to extroverted and connected to my fellow man and nature. Before these experiences I felt so alone, isolated with little belonging, yet afterwards I realized how connected I truly am. After much exploration on LSD, I turned to psilocybin, and now DMT. DMT still blows my mind due to its intensity and radically different character. I have much to learn from this beautiful molecule.
I have only been exploring hyperspace for a few months now, and have found DMT-Nexus to be an indispensable resource in my initial explorations. From proper attitude, extraction teks, projects (thanks for the OHT handbook!), to fellow traveler reports, you guys have greatly helped me on my first steps into hyperspace. Thank you.
By training, I am a biomedical scientist who works at the intersection of materials science, computer science, chemistry, and immunology. I hope that my professional expertise as well as subjective experience with DMT will be helpful to the community. I look forward to contributing.