hello everybody !
finally i collected everything i needed to start a ATB salt extraction ;
so first of all , i wanted to reduce my MHRB into powder , as the one i have is just roughly cutted in big shunks of around two to three centimeters for the main part ...
i putted it (100g, not that much) in a powerfull mixer/blender, and then all it does is blocking the blade of the mixer , like if the pieces of root are too hard ; so i cutted them down to smaller pieces (around 1cm), and same thing happened ^^
i bagged all of it in a ziploc bag and stored it in the freezer , hoping it will soften the bark , but i don't know if it will affect the hardness of the product at all.
so do you guys have a special technic to soften the bark shunks to grind them more eazily to powder ?
thanks in advance .
sorry if my english is so so , it's not my main language