Ulim wrote:That thread is acurate.
You just borked it
The thread does not say anything about maximum and minimum pH that is sensible to reach (e.g. pH 4.0 to fully acidify and pH 11.0 to fully basify), only pH for separation (7.0), which is even different from what teks say (8.75). So I am confused.
Maybe I will look up some chemistry sources to calculate percentage of alkaloid precipitate vs pH - there must be a way to calculate it so I won't rely on confusing information on forums...
When extracting harmalas, I have somehow lost all the harmaline and don't know why. Maybe I have added too little base at one step and I don't want to lose many grams of product; I also don't want to add excess base just to be sure as this may contaminate the product and maybe even break it down (?).
BTW there are even inaccuracies in salt amount for Manske. One method (Phlux's) calls for adding same volume of saturated saline solution as there is harmala solution. This leads to widly different final salt content, depending on starting volume. This method should lead to "prettier crystals" though in my many trials it always lead to tiny crystals precipitating too fast.
The teks just don't seem to work as they say.