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book of wisdom Options
#1 Posted : 11/7/2007 7:53:10 PM
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anyone ever glance through the book of "wisdom" through the link on the main page? i think they ought to retitle that to "a book of opinionated bullshit from some dude's exlusive ego trip" guy just comes onto the scene and starts "telling it like it is" but offers no account that i could find at least as to why and how things are, or even why/how the fuck he acheived or was granted such "insight". who's tripped-out idea was that? it's no more reasonable than anyone else's conception of the nature of being- and his approach is so assuming that i would even argue that it lacks a great deal of integrity and wisdom. anyone wanna read a few random pages and post thoughts/rebuttals?

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#2 Posted : 11/8/2007 8:37:11 AM
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The book was my idea but I didn't write any of it. In china there are ancient seers that have unlocked or enlightened via various paractices. This one particular person was seen as a very holy soul by the dao and buddha law masters and was taught from age two the various practices in both the dao and buddha schools. I am wondering what you see wrong with this knowledge as it resonates with what DMT seems to point towards. DMT is not the only way to see the otherside, cultivation techniques are another technique to raise ones spiritual energy and they are both safer, healthier and more energizing then DMT. DMT I now see is a spiritual hack with no restraints and no control and it is both dangerous and random.
#3 Posted : 11/8/2007 3:21:47 PM

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Do you not use dmt anymore?
#4 Posted : 11/13/2007 12:37:33 AM

John Murdoch IV

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[quote:b8a291ee5e="blackclo"]DMT I now see is a spiritual hack with no restraints and no control and it is both dangerous and random.[/quote:b8a291ee5e] Spiritual hack! What a great way to describe it Smile And I totally agree. But I still use the hack. But hacked software can be very unstable, that's why the real shit is the best. But harder to acquire Razz

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#5 Posted : 11/13/2007 4:59:51 PM
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After actually reading some of the "book", i found it suspiciously unenlightening, and borderline ridiculous. Apparently this Li Hongzhi guy founded this pseudo-cult that somehow became wildly popular in China. Check out the links, but i think it's pretty obvious he's a charlatan. Basically he changed his birthday to coincide with the Buddha's, and fabricated stories to make him seem superhuman. He claims to be able to do all sorts of things like heal the sick, fly, turn invisible, etc. The organization's website makes it seem like a harmless series of free excercises, but no mention of the weirder beliefs (Scientology anyone?). http://www.falundafa.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Hongzhi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong http://www.rickross.com/....html#Criminal%20Charges How any of this relates to DMT, i don't know.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
#6 Posted : 11/15/2007 2:33:15 PM
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Actually it's not a cult, you can come and go as you please and theres no money involved so it respects your free will. It's actually a teaching, an ancient cultivation technique that only recently has been passed down to the public. It's a spiritual science you could say, this is not Buddhism or Daoism, it's another school of Buddha Law. Theres a post in the spirituality section which lists some of the similarities between this cultivation technique and DMT, I think it's called DMT and Zhuan Falun or something like that. If you want to see some more similarities check out this book, it's quite insightful: http://dmt-nexus.me/doc/zfl_new.pdf Theres many things covered including third eye and it's 6 levels, spiritual ablilities, other dimensions, karma, transmigration and other things. It's very unique and not the typical stuff you might stumble across. What DMT probably does is open your third eye temporarily so you can see these other dimensions for a short while but you are definetly not protected and have not cultivated your own spiritual energy to protect yourself while there. Shamans in the amazon know how to protect themselves while traversing these realms as they have countless generations of experiance with DMT. We on the otherhand do not and I beleive this substance can be highly dangerous spiritually to oneself, this stuff is not a game or a toy. Ancient seers actually can do those supernatural things but they do not display them for the public as it's not something they would show off you could say. DreamTripper no I do not use DMT anymore and won't use it anymore. It can give you a sneak peak into these realms but I intuitively feel that it's really not safe at all and you could be hurt yourself. It's interesting that you find this book unenlightening as it only has positive and benevolent information. DMT in my opinion is a glimpse, but the hard work to actually raise oneself spiritually and energetically has to be done and it's a slow and tedious process yet far more rewarding than DMT.
#7 Posted : 11/19/2007 1:39:30 PM

The Great Namah

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I had some problems with the "book of wisdom" including but not limited to the belief that sex is dirty and the gods frown upon it. This seems to be against common sense... If the gods were against sex we would only have 1 generation of human kind, were we to follow this teaching. I read through a lot of it but had to stop, it was a little too "lofty" as the author stated it was. The Dhammapada or some of the Sutra's are more suited to my tastes. To each his/her own though.
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
El Ka Bong
#8 Posted : 11/19/2007 7:42:43 PM

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Falun Daf[b:4903e9d0e2]t[/b:4903e9d0e2]a @! It makes me laugh ! I once found that site, and tried to read through with an open mind, but it does get goofy. Asiasn-holywood-goofy ! But maybe there are people for whom these teachings, however delivered, will work to bring Universal Laws into practice and consciousness. When I first read some of the Falun Dafa stuff I thought there was a group of asiasn people who had a modified diet or who perhaps had a more 'active' pineal gland to actually believe the re-written dogma as a means to enlightenment... .!? I thought there is a description of Indra's Net somewhere in the Falun-Dafa site, re-worded in the main Falun-author's style..? That text at least, I thought was a common vision with my Buuddhist-like revelations on dmt. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indra's_net (the link is screwed - just look for "Indra's Net" on Wikipaedia ) And as for "flying", however you mean it in psychic terms and not the Chinese-movie-style, I'd say dmt removes our sense of gravity and time - so you can 'fly' and 'time-warp' or discover the timeless essence of being with no gravity holding you 'down'. The "author" or 'compiler' of Buddhist ideas in that Falun DAfa site is an elitist, homophobic bigot ! The text might 'resonate' a bit with what we have seen with dmt, but it too made me shake my head (and heart) to laugh at the gullibility of people who'd take this guy's word at face-value. At least for some of us with dmt, we have a "hacking key" to get past the veil of physical reality at least once in our current lifetime, to NOT become gullible suckers like Falum Dafa followers (or most of the population) ! Do you think even one of them has tried dmt..? Did that sound "elitist" for me to say..?... that I'm not a sucker for having 'hacked' my self with dmt...? Btw, I agree with that adjective, since "hacking' describes the risks of dmt. I think God gave us dmt as a tool, and however you find your way to it - just DO IT once before your body dies ! There is no manual of instructions to read through, buddhist or not .. there's NO time left to sit an learn it all before you die ! Just DO it I say ! Hack it WIDE OPEN ! Imagine living a life without having a Beingasm ever, before you die ..!?
#9 Posted : 11/20/2007 2:40:39 PM
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Actually alcon_5, it's not that sex is bad but it can become a serious hinderance to spiritual cultivation in the form of lust. All upright religions and practices know that sex is a sacred thing between a man and woman ( tantric cultivation they do use sex in their practices but they definetly don't have the attachemnt of lust ) but in today's society it's not looked upon in that light anymore. A male's essence needs to be replenished after sex and this essence actually is a form of spiritual energy that if constantly squandered will keep you at a certain level spiritually indefinetly. ElkaBong I don't beleive he is what you state. Homosexuality is actually an incorrect state in a person's mind, if you look carefully at this phenomena you can see that it is not noble or healthy and is actually corrupting young children's concepts of morality and goodness. It is an incorrect state in a person's mind and society has now accepted this state as normal which it is not. Segwaying back, the truth is that DMT may show you the "lesser lights" but in this universe there is a loss/gain equilibrium in everything. By taking DMT I now beleive that you are prematurely entering into these dimensions at a price. I'm still not sure what that price is but if this is so, it cannot be healthy in the long term. If you read the book that I stated above it actually explains that the point of "cultivation" is to slowly develop and nourish your buddha body so that you can traverse these dimensions at will and are protected. It also cultivates and slowly energizes your innate abilities like third eye vision, clairvoyance and many other things but these are not the main goal of cultivation. The main goal of cultivation is to transmigrate out of this dimension into the heavens where there is no more birth/annihalation and suffering or as the Buddha Masters call it, "the other shore". Another analogy is that DMT is like "spiritual steroids". You haven't put the hard natural work in but are substituting it with something that will have reprecussions down the line. Hacking into these places is I beleive a very big gamble as you may encounter beings and intelligences that do dont have your best interest at heart, things like spirit possesion and entity attachments definetly exist and DMT may open you up to these possibilities. I don't think DMT is all bad as it actually shows you that yes, this stuff that the saints, buddhas and prophets have talked about is all real. It is an affirmation of the divine, the spiritual realms do actually exists but there are better, healthier, safer and more correct ways to raise oneself energetically and finally transcend to these places.
#10 Posted : 11/20/2007 3:17:09 PM
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[quote:1603734e36]Homosexuality is actually an incorrect state in a person's mind, if you look carefully at this phenomena you can see that it is not noble or healthy and is actually corrupting young children's concepts of morality and goodness. [/quote:1603734e36] How is it not noble? Because no child can be produced? How is it not healthy? If done safely it shouldn't be anymore harmful than heterosexual sex. How is it corrupting our young children's views or morality and goodness? Shouldn't all humans be treated with equal love and respect? Isn't that the morals we want our kid's to learn? [quote:1603734e36]It is an incorrect state in a person's mind and society has now accepted this state as normal which it is not.[/quote:1603734e36] Who's to say homosexuality isn't just a natural phenomena? Perhaps some aspect of evolution we're simply unable to comprehend at this point.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove that what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
El Ka Bong
#11 Posted : 11/20/2007 5:19:12 PM

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See..? it's easy to out them, but I guess any dogma will do it to you. Falun Dorks !
#12 Posted : 11/20/2007 10:24:45 PM
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We have different views on the matter but that is my opinion and I will respect yours. I also agree with you that all people should be treated with love and respect but I still feel that it is an incorrect state of mind. It is not noble or healthy because future generations of children would see such a state as normal behaviour which it is not. Love, aka compassion also means having restraints in ones actions and looking at the reprecussions of ones actions.
#13 Posted : 11/29/2007 1:20:11 PM

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i think personally that it is all a bunch of crap ok it's free so what , christianity is free aswell and still people give money to them, this guy besides looking like a total maniac , mannages to elude people into believing he can fly and that nothing can happen to them not long ago one of his followers set himself on fire believing he could not be burned, now thats tottaly sick to me AGREE WITH DZ - THE BOOKS NAME SHOULD BE CHANGED TO "BOOK OF FANTASY"
#14 Posted : 12/9/2007 9:04:48 PM

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[quote:a16f7acad9="blackclo"] Homosexuality is actually an incorrect state in a person's mind, if you look carefully at this phenomena you can see that it is not noble or healthy and is actually corrupting young children's concepts of morality and goodness. [/quote:a16f7acad9] Careful Clo with such statements, less because a homosexual might find his or her way into this forum but for all we know you are partial homosexual yoursef (per definition we all are.. homo - human, sexual- adoptable and prone to body own opiates). So, I dispute your statement. Homosexuality is the original state of sex and heterosexual activities are nothing but derivatives. [img:a16f7acad9]http://www.doschdesign.com/images2/Red-D3D-CLO-6.jpg[/img:a16f7acad9]
#15 Posted : 12/10/2007 9:34:17 AM
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Hey Mr Shroom, actually that man that burned himself was Chinese communist party propoganda to try to smear these people. The truth is that the Chinese government has thousands of these practioners in concentration camps and has tortured and killed thousands more, it also sells there organs on the black market. Yes this is really happening over there. It is also staging a massive propaganda campaign to not only hide these acts but also uses it's massive media machine to try to denounce this movement in any way possible. Type Falun torture in google to see what is really happening to these good people. Christianity at it's core is a good religion. However people have misinterpreted alot of it, jesus just was basically saying 'be a good person', later people created a religion around his teachings. Regarding the rest of your post, there are actually people with supernatural abilities, buddha master, lamas and a myriad of holy men have these abilities however it's not something they show off with, their character is at a very high level and they do not disturb the way of the secular world. Albente, not I'm not homosexual but it's cool, you can dispute my statement or denounce it outright but that is my opinion.
#16 Posted : 12/10/2007 8:43:35 PM

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I never am firm on statements, principals are outdated anyway. In regards to sexuality, I do not pay all that much attention to it actually, it exists somehow and I am on the brink of divorce for that reason (correct, this Specific reason) and there is absolutely no point in discussing homo- vs. hetero as we all know... [img:9f80105530]http://www.karatedepot.com/catalog/images/items/large/un-ke-15.jpg[/img:9f80105530]
#17 Posted : 12/11/2007 6:06:27 AM

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[quote:61ebe10edf]Homosexuality is actually an incorrect state in a person's mind[/quote:61ebe10edf] incorrect state? what else is an incorrect state? the potential of 'state' is too vast to be limited to correct/incorrect, surely? and then the question of judgement... there are, doubtless, millions who would condemn those who use dmt as possessors of an 'incorrect state' IMO this kind of judgement can become as serious a hindrance to spiritual cultivation as lust itself just a thought Smile
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"am SWIM human? am SWIM alien? am SWIM even WHAT?!"
#18 Posted : 12/11/2007 6:14:27 AM

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that was a bit bitchy sorry bored Shocked
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#19 Posted : 12/11/2007 2:20:25 PM

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It wasnt bitchy it was very acurate.
#20 Posted : 12/11/2007 3:56:44 PM

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very wise blackclo, sorry for interpreting the subject wrong, but every bit of information iv'e came across led me to believe this guy was insane, and also their followers , thanx for the info
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