Hello all. I'm BloomTheShroom. I'm a very educated individual who first delved into my first true, all natural psychedelic experience just two years ago now and one month. That first experience consisted of an eighth of shrooms.
It was a blissfully magical experience at the river with my girlfriend. She acquired 3.5 for each of us as she had done it multiple times and I never had. No visuals that day, just laughed after T+45, so uncontrollably and had such a euphoric come up and I was swathed in happiness. I found it difficult to swim. When we were in, I just stood in the water and laughed. When we were coming down, we went home, I felt exhilarated and just went to my weight room and smashed my workout routine like I could move mountains. This was the beginning of my insatiable start into the psychadelic realm.
The day after, I got on the internet. Did a lot of research for about 5 months straight before anything else. After I did that, I tried an eighth again. It was almost overwhelming with visuals and mind blowing feelings and was so much more powerful than that first time. My girlfriend agreed that they were indeed strong with visuals.
I began to trip once every month. My highest dose of them has been 10g just crushed up and drank with orange juice. It was out of this world, I tried watching Avatar in the come up, twas beautiful. I soon found myself crying my eyes out in the corner of my house bawling for the trip to be over. 5 mins was an eternity. After 35 mins of this, mind flipped again back into bliss and happiness, scolding myself at the same time I'm like (Why am I crying, this shits intense!).
That was the best night of my life, I'd say in retrospect. Since then, I've slowly researched other things and tried them. I tried LSD once, two tabs 160ug each. 12 hours of laughing non-stop again my first time. 320ug my first time was more than likely way overkill as I really couldn't control the laughing. Watched jeepers creepers and it's no longer my girls favorite movie as I laughed and explained every detail and part in the movie lol.
I started researching once again, what else is out there to explore? What kind of journeys are there to be made, already foretold? I stumbled upon some Trichocerius Bridgesii, about 4 feet of it. Two feet for each of us, I researched, did an extraction and we dove head first, fully aware of what to supposedly expect. Out of what I've tried so far, this made me feel more connected to the world, nature in general, than anything else. I FELT as if I was a machine of pure energy burning bright along with everything else around me, the stimulation was almost that of MDMA, which was something I used to like too much.
I liked the experience, but because of the last fact I mentioned, I cannot say I've had anymore repeat experiences due to the horrible actual cravings my mind went through for MDMA on the come down. I hated that part of my life as I went off in the deep end and just enjoyed it too much. Just something I personally have to stay away from.
All these experiences were of course leading up to something magnificent. I of course ran into posts and random threads about DMT. At first I was scared of the thought, as I've become more experienced. I'm certainly thrilled, anxious, and excited to learn how to fly. I've researched extensively my method I've chosen for a month straight now and am very confident. I'm here to learn from others and post what I learn to be helpful to the community just as so it is to me.
My name is BloomTheShroom and I'm here to stay at the Nexus, hello all. :-)
"Pychadelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned you may jump out of a third story window. Psychadelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility of everything you know is wrong."