Hello everyone,
im new in here and wanted to tell you a bit about me.
Btw english isnt my native language and im not really good in expressing myself but i try to get better.
When i experienced mushrooms a few times last year my life changed drastically for the better, but i noticed that i was surrounded with people that didnt fit my new way of looking at things. So im on a journey to find a place for myself. Dont get me wrong i dont want this
forum as an alternative for "real life" friendships.
I never experienced DMT but will do in one or two weeks.
My motivation is curiousity about different realms of reality, the "working" of the human brain and consciousness, ego dissolution to create a better me in my everyday life and also to experience life in all its facets.
Oh not to forget to have fun and get blown away riding through other dimensions
Some things i want to improve about myself are my communication skills because i believe its essential to properly express myself and interact with people.
Another thing is that in real life i dont live up to my own believes all the time(probably some unconscious fear to not be liked).
Some general opinions
I try not to judge anyone because i believe that everybody is a product of external stimuli and internal integration. So judging would mean to not accept reality as it is.
At the moment i dont believe in free will in a sense that everything happens as it will happen but dont take it as an excuse to not better myself.
The only thing i know is that i know nothing for sure.
Im especially interested in philosophy, consciousness, the potentials and limitations of language, creating a better life in every way for others and myself and just enjoying the absurdity of life.
I have to admit im a forum newcomer in general
none the less im sure i will have a great time here.
findingaplace (i already dont like my name