My personal experience with DMT is through the vegetal, called Hoasca, which I've been taking regularly for over a year now. I am a member of the UDV, and have gone regularly (twice/month) since the first session in this location, March 2016. I have gone through more than 30 sessions with the mysterious Tea we call Hoasca/ayahuasca.
It has been my experience that the most difficult sessions were those in which I dealt with the passing of a loved one. I find that the most difficult sessions are those in which one is not able, or unwilling, to deal with deep-seated issues, such as loss of a love one. Yet, through moving through the emotional state, the emotions and feelings, and those pesky regrets, where we as humans make the most progress through our growth as people.
The vegetal, she does not allow shortcuts, or cut corners in dealing with our emotions and deep emotional issues, like physical death. If one has not dealt with the passing of a loved one in this life, the vegetal is sure to be addressing the issue for the one putting it off.
In a recent session, I was forced to address the rusty relationship of my younger sister Holly, who passed in April 2017.
During a session of vegetal, officiated by the UDV, the primary language is Portugeuse--translated into English. I am slowly learning this new language. Romanized-English is a terrible language to start with. We here now are held victims to "Gutenburg's Galaxy": text, rather than script. Terence McKenna talks much on this subject in general during many of his dialogues...which I won't attempt to rejuvinate here. I will simply suggest that the nature of the printed word, in linear text creates a prison-based environment for the Logos.
McKenna describes the LOGOS as the "transcendant other." I come to call the Logos the Divine Utterance, the Divine Word, from which all conscious life strings forth.
I personally don't feel there's been a breakthrough in one's voyages, unless that one has made contact with the Logos.
It is through contact and working with the Logos where one comes to understand the language of the heart. The vegetal is a path with heart. All other paths should be avoided. It is through the vegetal opening up my heart, the heart center energy, where I, where others, are able to speak through the heart, to the heart of another.
Once a person passes, then words and spoken language are useless...yet there they still are, able to communicate through the heart center. It is through using this language of the heart where one is able to communicate to those souls who have gone forth into the spirit realm.
The Omniverse will always provide the answer. This is the easy part. Ask, you shall receive.
The real problem comes once you know. Playing dumb is no longer an option.