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The Mysterious Journey of Finding the Right E-ROA Options
#1 Posted : 5/20/2017 2:01:17 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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In this era we have so much experience and technology to draw on, that we can do so to preserve DMT in suspended PG or VG solution, keeping DMT N Oxide from forming, and making a more reliable delivery system with less variables, perfect for those who want to be prepared even though they may not partake of the medicine often enough to preserve the potency of the crystal. This allows the most efficient use of DMT into the lungs, potentially.

So many people have their own method that works for them that I think a poll may be in order. At the same time I have my own ideas about what would be the most ideal delivery system for a wider range of people, yet I do not know where to start with all of the information available on so many aspects of the topic. There are a few sort of master threads (feel free to link them) that show the great various options one may choose from.

Factors I feel to be most important are:

1 ability to consistently measure dosage of 50-70 mg for an effective breakthrough range over 3-4 lungfuls. (This itself may be subject to lung capacity per inhale, and variables on each device)

2 minimization of losses - such as burning uncovered areas of a wick (does anyone know an atomizing solution using no heating element? I may settle for something less if not available or practical)

3 tank capacity - larger being more ideal

4 can also work with food grade TA suspension with similar efficacy

5 works well with other home made vape juices, which may be fun to make, or add to the spice blend

6 cost of equipment or ease of production

Ideally the combination of available equipment that could satisfy these criteria most optimally would give the best user experience overall. Can we discuss what equipment suits the above priorities in an E-ROA device? Any links or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/20/2017 7:44:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Is it officially old school now to need only 25 - 35 for BT in a 1 hitter? I mean many new kids on the block post double doses in recent times, its recurrent, and I dont think they have different biospecs. Just want to promote effectiveness, hope not to nag Very happy

Btw dmt-oxide is just as potent and vapes as well in my subjective opinion, in gvg anyway, Ive no E-thingy though.
#3 Posted : 5/20/2017 2:26:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Jees wrote:
Is it officially old school now to need only 25 - 35 for BT in a 1 hitter? I mean many new kids on the block post double doses in recent times, its recurrent, and I dont think they have different biospecs. Just want to promote effectiveness, hope not to nag Very happy

Btw dmt-oxide is just as potent and vapes as well in my subjective opinion, in gvg anyway, Ive no E-thingy though.

One hitters dont allow you to use trendy little electronic vape boxes & impress your friends with huge vapor clouds at the expense of tripling the dosage needed for BT. I think its the younger generation.
#4 Posted : 5/20/2017 3:36:38 PM

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I have to try it such a more dose spread out E-lurking. Perhaps I could be tempted to like it, who knows Pleased
#5 Posted : 5/20/2017 8:20:04 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Jees wrote:
I have to try it such a more dose spread out E-lurking. Perhaps I could be tempted to like it, who knows Pleased

That's where I'm at after hundreds of visionary experiences. Only 1/5th or less of my dmt medicine sessions result in receiving a vision, and I don't really need 50-70 mg to go deep in. I like the idea of having the ability to do that as well, without suspicious equipment lying around. One suggested to me to get an e-cig and those higher dose states can be reached over what said being estimated at 10-12 breaths.

Personally I get the most out of a session when I clear my mind and do breathwork, release any air in the lungs after about 5 minutes sitting, and take the largest inhale, hold 4-7 seconds, release half the breath and take another breath, exhale completely and do two more tokes the same way. Some pranayama practioners would hold a large breath after a repetition, others may hold a breath of dmt vapor.

The atomizer would seem to blend most seemlesly with a regular breathwork session for being super gentle and potentially medicinal with the right infusions. That's what this is about right? Medicine? Receiving visions? Knowing thyself? Union with the other/yoga/samadhi?

Does anyone have a better suggestion that a 10-12 pull e-cig? (Almost awkwardly slow) Almost seems like a waste, that you'd need a greater dose to stack such increments and and that it may matabilize too quickly to get any real visionary work done.
#6 Posted : 5/22/2017 7:34:41 AM

Professional Tracker

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Get an rdta and learn to build coils. 10-12 hits, assuming I'm reading that right, is like a consious decision to be ineffective. Learn your ohms laws and get your hands on in practice. There's no reason (other than you might be nuts) that you can't hit Jupiter within a half toke's effort when you get your math right.
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