Hello All , my name is Ateya and it is great knocking on the door of this community hoping the door will open !!
In my youth I explored and experimented with many substances . I then became busy with study and work (medical area ) and then recently on the brink of one of those "Big Birthdays" , was sick with the flu......... high fever ...... burning away the old to make way for the new ......... days later accidentally stumbled across the word " Ayahuasca ".I did a quick search and was captivated. Within 2 months I was in Peru attending a retreat . This medicine is amazing and I have witnessed so many people's spiritual growth and transformation . I now have tapped into a subculture of like minded people where I live in regards to Ayahuasca ........ "When the student is ready the teacher will arrive " !!!
My self studying has led me to DMT and I have performed a couple of extractions ....... successfully but yields could be improved . I am basically alone "out here" in my exploration and interest of "pure" DMT and thought it would be a perfect opportunity to learn more from those more advanced and knowledgeable in their exploration through this on-line community
I have finished the questionnaire and must say it was very well put together covering many aspects of psychedelics use and cleverly incorporating safety
Love and Light to all