Ashwagandha does have side effects, depending on what your using it for.
I had one friend take it as a sedative and continued use made her already overpowered sex drive
even stronger, her husband was mad at me
(this is why its traditionally not given to young people).
I had one friend take it to boost his sex drive and it mostly just made him sleepy.
I got my doctor to put his wife on it to help her brittle fingernails and the doctor reported back that it fixed that but also 'made her frisky', but that was not a complaint
As an MAOI, if it has any MAOI effects its most likely one of those thats just 'technically MAOI', ie. the effectiveness is way WAY too low to activate spice.
Consider, this is a common herb taken mostly by people with health problems. If it were a potent MAOI people would be getting very sick, very often as a result of drug interactions. This doesnt seem to be the case.
As always, it pays to be careful tho.