Hello all
Im SeekingLight, and new-ish to the forum. Have always used the place as a source for information and reading, and used to have an account years ago.
A little about me. I started experimenting with psychedelics 10 years ago with some mushrooms, and continued on with LSD, mdma, many psychedelic RCs, DMT, some non-psychedelics out of curiosity, and of course my girl Mary. LSD will forever be one of the most useful psychedelic tools, if not not most useful (personally). I have had a good amount of experiences vaping DMT, but found it very difficult to come across it or people who knew about it.
In the last few years my psychedelic experiments have been fewer and fewer, and I have been caught up in day-to-day life and taking care of responsibilities, just adulting around. It was not until recently that DMT has strolled back into my life, and I am in a position to receive the knowledge. The way things work sometimes is just so perfect, synched up just right.
I always found it difficult to find people to share experiences with, or at least discuss similar experiences with in "real life". So perhaps this "place" will be good.
I plan to learn as much as I can about a variety of extraction methods, making changa, and preparing Aya/Pharma.
I look forward to being a (usually quite) part of the community. Working on the questionaire and hope to be able to provide some useful posts.