Somewhat later. I had to take a break from my chemistry work and have recently come back to it. Things have been going a little bit better now but I am still having the same issues, namely solvents, and getting the crystals out of the solvent before they seem to disappear back in again and re-emerge as goo weeks later.
My very first extract (see yellow naphtha bit above) yielded distinct crystals and powder. Just not much. 280-300mg from 50g. Seemed okay, but when I tried to re-x with n-Heptane (wanted to be pro out of the box) I never saw it again! Gone spice. gone Heptane. (swore never to clean again) Next try I used my 'clear heavy naphtha' cos no-one else's pics showed yellow 'naphtha'. And Max Ion Tek (greedy - want more yield). Another 50g MHRB. Heat bath, heating solvent, everything cloudy etc looks brilliant. Im so positive. And then disaster in the freezer. Its frozen! Naptha doesnt freeze! This one just did. No way decanting did anything good and all became liquid again very fast. Dejected, I evaporated yet again. Yellow oil and goo. A lot! Damn, I have a bunch of that now.
3 more 50g tries (all Max Ion), same new MHRB shipment. After try #1 I rejected the 3rd solvent (also clear heavy 'naphtha' from another source) I was using as it half froze by itself in the freezer. Definitely that was the cause of the 'slush puppy' issue. Evaporated - browny yellow oily grunge. OK, dissolved in IPA as it was as 'dry' as it was going to get. Maybe for leaf later?
OK. Next, #2 - Used Newton lighter fluid as solvent 6 pulls no heat bath - nothing precipitated. Evaporated - still nothing nothing!
Using the same salted/basified mixture, I tried 3 other 'heavy aliphatic naphtha's". Nothing, not even goo on evaporation.
Pretty much failure from my point of view. Granted I haven't tried anything with the goo, but that's not what I'm trying to achieve right now, which is getting what everyone else is getting.
Now I'm doubting the MHRB. Its new, not what I used "successfully" before but it came all the way from source. Direct from an individual, not a store, and it cost a lot. Especially the shipping. I found him through Google Google/Translate and he seemed like a really nice guy! We whatsapped. How could it be bad? It just had to be something else, Right? (Denial?)
Starting to lose hope now, source mullein, thinking of just doing the goo/leaf thang. But it seemed like I was too close to ditch now. So,I started again and to minimise the variables I went back to what I did first. Except this time I promised to be satisfied with my yellowy white powder (if I got some again) and no more cleaning etc:
1. Same MHRB powder, Noman's Tek not Max Ion (but I did the freezer bit since that didn't involve chess and shouldn't hurt), same yellow 'naphtha I used to get my original 300 odd mg of ever so slightly yellow crystals/powder.
2. I heat bathed the basified all night, heated the solvent all the time and kept the whole thing warm...I shook and rested, much longer times.
3. I got one naphtha pull out and bottled. I shook the bottle new 50ml added. The bottle slipped and... basified mess all over the kitchen. @#$!
4. Put the first pull in the freezer anyway.
Forgot it was in there and after four days (work intervened) I saw my little pull in the freezer. I gently picked it up and SNOW GLOBE! More than I had ever seen before! Wow. I put it back and got filters - coffee, whatman, cooking oil. Decanted through whitman but it didn't let naphtha through. Tried others and rushing now finally managed to get some powder before it all went liquid again. But when the powder was dry after a few days and I couldn't smell naphtha there was almost 700mg. One pull. The bark was good! I knew he was a good guy! Awesome.
Now I'm going again, same thing, but skipping the drop-the-schott-bottle-step. Other than my heavy yellow naphtha (of which only 500ml left and no way to re-source) I hope to get some more crystals. The difference between ones I saw in the snow globe vs what got rescued was huge. There is obviously a lot of spice in this MHRB for sure.
Still the freeze precip to dry crystals is the stumbling block. Its not working. I did 6 pulls but I am losing more than half of it back into 'naphtha'. BUT I have already 1.1g DRY after four days. And a lot disappeared into filter papers etc.
I really don't want to evaporate the naphtha I rescued (decanted) because 'Im pretty sure I know that will make goo.
So what now? I still have a solvent problem. The naphtha works, but is limited and problematic at the end. What else can I use? Lab chems all obtainable, PE, -anes, etc. - its just that 'naphtha' is not a name anyone knows in this country (even though it appears in MSDS and CAS numbers) How the hek do I get all those crystal clumps I see out of the yellow slush puppy snow globe as it comes out the freezer and into the plate dry like the ones I got. Am I too greedy? I really feel I am losing more than half. It sure looks that way.
Things I did different I will do again: Take my time. Soak, shake, settle, keep it warm, one pull a day max. Lots of shake and settle. Also, leave in freezer more than 3 days. After peeping every day I saw a HUGE difference in crystally cloud on fourth day. Seriously huge.
I am now the proud owner of total 1.4g yellow tinged spice and a whole lot of goo.
How can I get this thing better? I think its all in the solvent for me - high BoilPoint or low or mix or this or that? Can anyone help (who managed to read all this) - I am a total noob at this chemistry thing but I really think I'm pretty close to my goal of getting the max out of what I got...
PS here a couple pics of current status from two pulls of 50ml naptha: not to shabby right? But seemed like more than that got lost on the way

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