Absent Thoughts wrote:Hello all I'm very new here. I've decided to take part in Acacia confusa freebase. Three times so far. All very well dosed. The past 5 days I can't stop getting this great feeling of sharing this drug with community friends! But I'm also realizing "majority" of the humans around me are not good trip sitters, So I find Soloing DMT way more pleasurable. I also have epilepsy (4-10 seizures a year past few years) usually its around a full moon and no doctor has been able to explain it. So I figured I'd look into shamans and stuff.. And well I'm very thankful for all the info I was allowed to receive from you guys as a nonmember at the time! I feel like making my own reality around me, like not using store brand shampoo.. haha.
My urge to share this compound (as far as information and promotion goes) has not waned since my first DMT experience, however when it comes to sharing the actual DMT I'm slightly more hesitant, but I think understand the urge you are speaking of...I still day-dream about manufacturing large quantities of Entheogenic molecules then traveling the world giving them away, for free, to anybody who was willing to take them (provided the mooecules were used safely, responsibly, by adults, and so long as nobody could be impacted negatively)
I'm also quite familiar with shamanic practice, with particular emphasis on entheogenic shamanism, and would be glad to share any information I have in this area.
Any way, welcome.