TwoRue wrote:Hello all.
TwoRue here. I have a question about Acacia Confusa/Syrian Rue Tea while at the same time smoking cannabis. Do you find that the use of cannabis boosts your acacia experience, or makes it more profound? For me smoking herbs always enhances my trip many times over, (and makes it easier to get to hyperspace) but a friend of mine said most people don't like mixing the two.
I personally mix cannabis with just about everything, it's a plant which is a key staple in my daily consumption, and I have incorporated it into nearly every aspect of my life, including the psychedelic experiance.
Now, for those who do not use cannabis regularly, or for those who do not like cannabis, I'm sure it would not be the best idea to combine it with Entheogenic decoctions.
I find cannabis is particularly helpful with preventing nausea and other physical disturbances which are common to the ayahuasca analogue experiance, and it does enhance the formosahuasca in some ways, but it can also take some degreee of clarity away from the psychological state...
This is a phenomena that I find common with psilocybin, but has also worked with ayahuasca analogues. I've found that on the last leg of the venture, just before reaching psychological baseline, if I take a large inhalation of cannabis, that it will shortly bring me back to a psychedelic peak, it starts with a rush in the psychological state which is near instant, brining on an intense wave of what I call a "visual circus" then slowly, it fades back to the near baseline psychological state, though every time you reach your "near-baseline" state you can simply take another inhalation of cannabis to induce another short psychedelic peak...