Have you ever asked what yourself, what would happened if the entire world suddenly 'woke up' or we managed to kill ourselves off?
In other words, if all of the observers were suddenly removed or simotamously remembered they were God. Would the universe end? Can psyhical reality exsist without us?
(Nuclear war, asteroid impact, gamma ray burst, etc - in absolute infinity, all things possible eventually happen)
During some of my shroom trips I seem to have these 'distant memories' of being God and making the universe as a sort of coping mechnisim to keep myself from going insane from the loneliness. So I made a game to distract me from myself and my situation.
Or something like that.
Well maybe and perhaps the reason the universe is expanding (dark energy) is a built in safety switch to prevent this sort of rare (or eventual?) event from collapsing the entire system.
But even if civilizations don't eventually kill themselves, there is a built in "timer" that any life has to get off planet before it's parent star makes the planet uninhabital for life. For our own planet, this will happen in less than a billion years.
Anyhow, so what if the extinction of all life starts a false vaccum decay and spreads instant destruction in a bubble, traveling at the speed of light. Collasping of the wave function, on a galactic scale.
But if this were to happen, the expansion of the universe and limitation to the speed of light will prevent this apocolypic event from spreading through the entire universe and thus collapsing the universe.
There are other objects we can see that are so far away already, that between their distance and the expansion of the universe, these objects will one day be "traveling" faster than the speed of light away from us.
So, the other day I was watching a video on False Vaccum Decay (link below). Check out the 5 minute mark.
Anyhow, it suddenly clicked and thought - this could explain the reason the universe is expanding. Not the how by the why. It's a built in "kill switch" for a cosmic kill switch.
Who knows? Just an idea.
(Btw, this whole series of videos covers story of mankind and the universe. It's very interesting if you think about it from the aspect of its the story of YOU).
The Most Efficient Way to Destroy the Universe โ False Vacuum