I was reading instructables a few weeks ago and I saw this:
http://www.instructables...r-using-Peltier-Coolers/I suddenly had an idea:
would it be possible to use the same method to freeze precipitate spice from naptha at an unheard-of efficiency?
The "Naphtha-Freezinator 2000" was quickly born.
The idea is simple. We use 2 peltier units sequentially to cool down an insulated glass chamber to very low temperatures (-40c if not more).
Ideally, we would place a naptha-filled glass in the cooling chamber, where it will quickly precipitate most if not all the spice dissolved in it, then take it out, pour the naptha and scrape the spice.
The cooling chamber will be partially filled with alcohol to facilitate the heat transfer and have a larger heat mass.
This is just an idea at the moment, but I'd like to hear you guys' opinion if there's a point in building such a machine. At the very worst, it will be used to cool down beers very quickly
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