"After a time I began to find that in my incorpreal state I was able to investigate my surroundings simply by thinking about it. I spread my mind out over the barrier between Somethingness and Not-Thingness expecting to find it complete and impenetrable, as though I had been washed to a back corner of the Universe by the cosmic streams that be.
Surprisingly, to one side I found a crack.
A tendril of my mind floated over the crack to investigate and I was pulled in gently yet suddenly. At sometimes an incredible speed, at other times seeming to barely move, I plummeted through a tunnel covered by and swimming in fantastic and dazzling images. Runes and letters of Greek/Persian/Chinese/French/Japanese/Mayan/Peruvian/Rongo-rongan/Atlantean/Russian and all other languages that had ever been covered every "surface" and swam through the air.
I once heard someone use the phrase "howling-in-between-the-worlds" and thought it fit my memory perfectly.
Suddenly, there was an end to the tunnel. A ways off in the distance was blank whiteness, swallowing the edges of the tunnel, into which it simply dissolved. I knew that tripping balls or no, to enter that space would mean never returning. And yet I could not simply float back the way I had came.
Having no other options, I simply gave in to my fate, and for no particular reason I could discern other than instinct and reaction, I asked very quietly and sincerely for help.
Almost as the thought was conceived a doorway opened in the tunnel to my right. I turned to travel through it and found on the other side I was effortlessly floating down from the top of snow globe like domed area, made all of shimmering golden energy, projected from the roots and branches of a massive tree in the center of the area, made of the same shimmering golden essence.
Outside of my immediate area were other floating snow globe "buddha-verses", floating through the "sky" like stars.
At the ends of the Trees branches where leaves would be the Golden Essence would coagulate like dew, and expand into a bubble, and I found by focusing on one it would come into greater clarity, and I would witness the birth of a Universe, the expansion of its energy into matter, the arising of beings and I could bear witness to empires coming and going, from individual planets to mighty galactic races being erased from a simple super nova or watch the entire bubbles laws of physics fizzle out or see it devoured by out of control Black Holes.
Some of the bubbles would "make it". The bubble would reach a state where it became aware of itself perfectly and it would pop off the branch and take its place floating through the sky above and around the Tree.
For aeons I watched and I learned.
Eventually I looked to the base of the Tree and saw a seated monk, bald and wearing an orange and golden robe. I realized I had been incredibly rude, barging into his space after he gave me help I remembered asking for what seemed like trillions of years ago, and simply taking my fill of his tree. He sat unconcernedly in the lotus pose with his eyes closed, his hands on his lap in a mudra I can't quite recall.
I realized my parent culture gave me no preparations whatsoever for an encounter of this kind. I decided the best thing I could do would be to mirror his body language. Without a body, I sat in his same position he was in.
When I closed my eyes there, they opened on my friends floor. Having some experience with "trip time" I estimated I had been away about 2 hours. I looked at the clock.
8 minutes.
My mind was utterly blown."
All posts made by this profile are second hand accounts transcribed through a medium channelling an overly talkative extradimensional entity who wished to remain anonymous
"*laughter* that's the psychedelic mantra, 'I've done it this time!...I must be dead."
-Terence McKenna
"Oh yeah? Well, I once smoked DMT 3 times in 600 years, and I still don't know anything about anything."