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Crashing with tiny piece of Chaliponga- sublingual Options
#1 Posted : 10/10/2009 7:27:17 PM
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Experimenting with Chaliponga sublingually

SWIM purchased some 25 gr. of dried Chaliponga leaves from a reputable vendor; the leaves were big, dark, and a bit glossy. Around 5 gr. of the plant material were finely ground, and 1/8 th of a tea spoon edible lime (calcium hudroxyde) was mixed with it; it was set aside to be tried on the next day...While working with it SWIM noticed his palms and fingers were sweating abnormally, but was not alarmed by this. Touching SWIM's face with the hands that had contact with the Chaliponga had a little tiny needles-like effect. As said above all was laid aside for the next day.

SWIM proceeds on the same day with consuming 4 dried fine specimens of Psilocybe Cubensis (drank as tea), 2 cups of cacao drank over a period of 3 hours, one weed hit- all a usual for SWIM setting for a mild trip. After 3 hours of having a blissful and mild psilo-cacao-thc experience, SWIM starts to get to baseline (not quite, but around there), and decides to test a tiny sniff of Chaliponga from the koffee grinder used to grind it. He collects with his fingers tiny particles from the grinder's lid and sniffs, one, two, three times. SWIM thinks he observes a change in perception, somewhat deeper and heavier and more spaced-out feeling than the psilo-cacao-thc mix, which SWIM attributes to the effect of Chaliponga, but as the amount sniffed is tiny, effect also seems not long lasting.

SWIM than decides in his more perceptive (psilo-cacao-thc) state to see what an impact would a small piece of leaf would have under his tongue (piece of leaf is 1X1 cm !!!!!), which SWIM regards (only to regret it severly later) as a safe and harmless amount. SWIM holds the piece of leaf under his tongue for 7 min, than takes it out. (SWIM was planning to enjoy some strawberries before he started with the Chaliponga part). Realizing no desire for strawberries, nothing left of the psilo-cacao-thc bliss, feeling mega agitated and nervous, panick sets in, SWIM is feeling quite desoriented and starts pacing back and forth in his apartment (seems to relief the stress, but not quite), feeling of being poisoned, feet are sweating heavily, pulse normal, breathing ok, but brain seems on the verge of exploding (losing sanity-dying kind of feeling), overwhelming feeling of emergency and doom, SWIM takes in 100 mg Valerian, because part of SWIM reasons bodily stress and panick are psychosomatic. Valerain seems to help, but not for long, panick and mind-fuck-up seem to come and go, as some periods are extremely in a way painful/ distressful, SWIM thinks of calling an ambulance...this goes on and on for 2 whole, slow and agonizing hours...SWIM manages to go through this and notices even though within these two hours spikes of sickness are frequent, condition is slightly improving, SWIM is optimistic....In 4 hours time SWIM feels much more stable (and whole), no trace of the sickness, though a bit heady still...

SWIM keeps on asking himself: what went wrong? Swim is somewhat experienced in bad trips (mushrooms, hbwr, san pedro, salvia, yopo, etc.) , but this Chaliponga test felt like poisoning, the kind of which SWIM has never experienced before (apart from a time with Datura leaves), but the amount put under the tongue was tiny, tiny, tiny...It could be that SWIM's already tryptamine and cacao (which acts a a mild MAOI) state boosted the Chaliponga alkaloids somehwat disproportionally. It could also be that the trace amounts of beta-carbolines found in the leaf, played a role too, it could be also the bufotenine that SWIM is not a great fan of...but SWIM could feel nothing of the alleged 5-Meo-DMT effects- it was pure horror, for 2 hours....

SWIM read sensitivity varies greatly from person to person, but now SWIM is fully convinced.

SWIM wonders if anyone has had similiar unpleasant experiences with Chaliponga; could it be that sublingual administration is not the best for SWIM, and SWIM should try a different route: smoking, or sniffing (SWIM would never combine this with strong MAOI to take orally), and sublingually SWIM will never, EVER, do it again...Any ideas of what might have gone wrong?

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#2 Posted : 10/10/2009 7:53:07 PM

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When I treid chaliponga sublingually it was real mild and euphoric, very relaxing..only had very mild visuals that were faint blue grids while laying down in the dark..not strong or anything at all..REally I would describe it as very "breathy"..

Cacao is more than just as MAOI..the theobromine makes tryptamines stronger as well..and can make it more euphoric/body orientated..maybe not so nice when combined with 5meo DMT..but who knows..adding all of those things together you will never know..unless you try it alone first..

I always experiment with a new substance on it's own before adding it on top of others..

Interesting experiment though..never thought powdering chali and making a basified past for snuffing..seems facinating.
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#3 Posted : 10/10/2009 8:32:14 PM
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I once made ayahuasca with theobromine added. It made the DMT very much feel like 5-MeO-DMT; it created a speedy feeling with very little visual effects and a lot of mindfuck effects. Theobromine seems to have this effects with tryptamines, since i'm not the only person who experienced this mental-overload effects from it in combination with tryptamines.
Adding lime might also have increased the release of bufotenin and beta-carbolines. The so called 'jungle-spice' is one of these beta-carbolines present in chaliponga.
#4 Posted : 10/10/2009 8:43:41 PM
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Thanks for your wise words, fractal enchantment. Really unwise of SWIM to test it on a "unclean" ground, but this was not meant to be the Test itself, anyway...

SWIM thinks his body tells him what went wrong- so during the "experience" and two hours after that SWIM's stomach (empty for 7 hours until leaf in-take) refuses to desire any food (where as coming down from the shrooms SWIM was hungry), SWIM tried (4 hrs after leaf) first with 1 strawberry, then a couple, than a plum, all is fine, so after 1.5 hours more SWIM took two table spoons of yogurt (maoi incompatible) and a definite bodily recollection of the (beaming)horror-rush came back...it might be that what SWIM has experienced a reaction to the beta-carboline traces in the leaf (+the cacao) of a body (i.e. SWIM's body) not prepared to handle a MAOI (due to heavily maoi-incompatible diet)...SWIM knows more or less how to stir a bad trip, but this was beyond SWIM's (mental) capabilities...few years ago SWIM's also been through a regulated medical experiment with artificial reverasble maoi/ antidepressants and this might have screwed up his balances somewhat..
#5 Posted : 10/10/2009 8:49:49 PM
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Thanks polytrip for your response as well, but somewhat i do not agree theobromine is bad combo for tryptamines, at least with psilocybin it has always worked fine for SWIM, but it seems 5-meo is a totally different story...SWIM is shit scared of MAOIs, even trace amounts (gets headaches otherwise), but loves cacao Smile
#6 Posted : 10/10/2009 8:56:55 PM
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Yes, the mushroom cocoa combination works realy well. It at least has strong effects on tryptamines. Sometimes positive, sometimes less positive.
#7 Posted : 10/10/2009 10:03:00 PM
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SWIM is quite unexperienced regarding 5-meo, but he thinks in this case:

1. the headiness, deepness, and seriousness of the experience was due to the 5-meo
2. the sickness/ sense of dying was due to cacao + beta-carbolines (possibly bufotenine as well)
3. increased sensitivity- afterglow of psilocybin/ thc
4. profound sweating of feet and heaviness in feet reminds SWIM of bufotenine

God, Chali is a pharmacy shop, on a second thought...

p.s. to be absolutley exhaustive: in the second cup of raw cacao there were 4 sweet gelatine gummi bears, and SWIM cannot be sure when "normal" stuff turns to poison, when maoi and whole lot of other stuff combined is...
#8 Posted : 10/10/2009 10:10:25 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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too much cocoa for swim puts swim into a sort of over caffeinated panic attack... same with coffee and yerba matte if consumed in excess... this over caffeinated state combined with the effects of 5meodmt sub lingual which is mostly what you got swim would surmise from the chaliponga could pharmacological conspire to cause the disphoric reaction you had.
swim has not had any good experiences personally with pure 5MEODMT. a horrible horrible and first and really only migrain headache with nausea and paralysis could be said as the only real effects... every ones body chemistry is different and will react differently to certain compounds and combinations. sounds like this is not the medicine for you.
neat experiment though.
maybe try it sublingually alone and see what happens.
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#9 Posted : 10/10/2009 10:34:37 PM
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Thanks Dorge, neat explanation...if SWIM removes (by not drinking cacao) the panick and mind-blow-fuck-up, the intensity could be laden with a new meaning, the true nature of 5-meo-dmt, probably...next try would be on a 12-hours empty stomach and no other psychoactives besides a piece of Chali....

SWIM was also wondering if all experienced Chali/ 5-meo fans do keep a certain diet before and after intake, and if yes, what is it (Given, you do not take additional MAOI, relying on the already in the plant present (beta carboline traces))? Is a diet necessary?
#10 Posted : 10/11/2009 1:21:05 PM
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20 hrs. after the incident, eating maoi-compatible foods do not cause distress, a few grams of yellow cheese however bring back the intense feeling of yesterday (hard to describe, quite agitated, intense nervous-sick feeling, panick), which SWIM has no doubt is due to the beta-carboline traces of Chaliponga, which might have had synergized with the cocoa...

It seems to SWIM highly veriable sensitivity towards Chaliponga is not due to 5-meo content, but to how much the body maoi-ready/ sensitive is...there must be a reason plants produce both a neuro-"toxin" and a an element that potentiates or opens the doors for this neuro-"toxin" ....
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