Experimenting with Chaliponga sublingually
SWIM purchased some 25 gr. of dried Chaliponga leaves from a reputable vendor; the leaves were big, dark, and a bit glossy. Around 5 gr. of the plant material were finely ground, and 1/8 th of a tea spoon edible lime (calcium hudroxyde) was mixed with it; it was set aside to be tried on the next day...While working with it SWIM noticed his palms and fingers were sweating abnormally, but was not alarmed by this. Touching SWIM's face with the hands that had contact with the Chaliponga had a little tiny needles-like effect. As said above all was laid aside for the next day.
SWIM proceeds on the same day with consuming 4 dried fine specimens of Psilocybe Cubensis (drank as tea), 2 cups of cacao drank over a period of 3 hours, one weed hit- all a usual for SWIM setting for a mild trip. After 3 hours of having a blissful and mild psilo-cacao-thc experience, SWIM starts to get to baseline (not quite, but around there), and decides to test a tiny sniff of Chaliponga from the koffee grinder used to grind it. He collects with his fingers tiny particles from the grinder's lid and sniffs, one, two, three times. SWIM thinks he observes a change in perception, somewhat deeper and heavier and more spaced-out feeling than the psilo-cacao-thc mix, which SWIM attributes to the effect of Chaliponga, but as the amount sniffed is tiny, effect also seems not long lasting.
SWIM than decides in his more perceptive (psilo-cacao-thc) state to see what an impact would a small piece of leaf would have under his tongue (piece of leaf is 1X1 cm !!!!!), which SWIM regards (only to regret it severly later) as a safe and harmless amount. SWIM holds the piece of leaf under his tongue for 7 min, than takes it out. (SWIM was planning to enjoy some strawberries before he started with the Chaliponga part). Realizing no desire for strawberries, nothing left of the psilo-cacao-thc bliss, feeling mega agitated and nervous, panick sets in, SWIM is feeling quite desoriented and starts pacing back and forth in his apartment (seems to relief the stress, but not quite), feeling of being poisoned, feet are sweating heavily, pulse normal, breathing ok, but brain seems on the verge of exploding (losing sanity-dying kind of feeling), overwhelming feeling of emergency and doom, SWIM takes in 100 mg Valerian, because part of SWIM reasons bodily stress and panick are psychosomatic. Valerain seems to help, but not for long, panick and mind-fuck-up seem to come and go, as some periods are extremely in a way painful/ distressful, SWIM thinks of calling an ambulance...this goes on and on for 2 whole, slow and agonizing hours...SWIM manages to go through this and notices even though within these two hours spikes of sickness are frequent, condition is slightly improving, SWIM is optimistic....In 4 hours time SWIM feels much more stable (and whole), no trace of the sickness, though a bit heady still...
SWIM keeps on asking himself: what went wrong? Swim is somewhat experienced in bad trips (mushrooms, hbwr, san pedro, salvia, yopo, etc.) , but this Chaliponga test felt like poisoning, the kind of which SWIM has never experienced before (apart from a time with Datura leaves), but the amount put under the tongue was tiny, tiny, tiny...It could be that SWIM's already tryptamine and cacao (which acts a a mild MAOI) state boosted the Chaliponga alkaloids somehwat disproportionally. It could also be that the trace amounts of beta-carbolines found in the leaf, played a role too, it could be also the bufotenine that SWIM is not a great fan of...but SWIM could feel nothing of the alleged 5-Meo-DMT effects- it was pure horror, for 2 hours....
SWIM read sensitivity varies greatly from person to person, but now SWIM is fully convinced.
SWIM wonders if anyone has had similiar unpleasant experiences with Chaliponga; could it be that sublingual administration is not the best for SWIM, and SWIM should try a different route: smoking, or sniffing (SWIM would never combine this with strong MAOI to take orally), and sublingually SWIM will never, EVER, do it again...Any ideas of what might have gone wrong?