well well well, i guess ill attempt writing an intro essay though i have been around for a few years lurking around soaking up some of the wonderful information available here. ive had some extremely profound experiences thanks to the wisdom shared here. On my own time i love breeding cannabis looking for "my" perfect strain. iv spent a few years doing so and have learned a lot along the way. so have any questions pertaining breeding, growing styles techniques etc... ask away!
since i was young(16 ish) i always had a strange pulling sensation towards hallucinogens. i did much research and tried a few things mushrooms, medium doses(5-6g), the horror of DXM because it was "cool" in high school until many people started passing away. im open minded but if i hear about dxm in a positive/fun way, ill probably shake my head and wont/cant take you serious anymore. ive been stuck with a few addictions in my past also on opiates and alcohol(but still have a few drinks a week) which i wont talk much about and dont care too much to hear about, but i would always help someone out asking for help, shoot ideas around, and help them kick those nasty habits also. now being over 30 i still feel that tug to pay more attention to hallucinogens, and glad i follow that feeling. DMT has made a huge difference in my life since i first tried it about 10 years ago and still helps me. i do believe dmt can be misused and may not help some, but imo it has a lot to do with integration and always ask yourself why am i doing this.
I first came here to check out all the DMT extraction teks for mimosa
good bye my friend. Well anyway i started trying out the teks with acrb instead(wasnt much info/teks out at that time for acrb). I tried many many variations of everything i could think of, how to get good fluffy xtals for vaping again. though I never ended up with good yields or results with acrb(the gooo), but thats not necessarily a bad thing. It left me with little to no decision except try making teas with it in the future and drink them. the blast off anxiety was getting harder and harder with each vape session anyway so I'm grateful for diving into they aya. So I threw the last fb fluffies i had, mixed it with my goo and weighed it, then weighed out some peppermint leaf and mixed it all up. this way i could still vape, but the real goal was to eat it to get a feeling for what i was in for, for my near future acrb and rue teas.
At this point i was terrified of the "purging" from eating it, but with the peppermint mixed in i figured id have a better chance of having a calm stomach. still terrified of what i was to expect, if it was going to feel like vaped dmt for 4hrs, if id be out of it and purge badly and ruin my experience. BUT One great day i finally took the plunge and had 3g rue and the equivalent of 60mg fb, infused in peppermint leaf. down the hatch went the rue tea(grumbles and shakes face in disgust). next up was the gooey leafy goodness, threw that in my mouth and chased it down with some OJ. I layed down, had all these fears running through my mind over and over trying to keep my eyes closed. eventually i calmed right down thinking something went wrong, until i look up and my ceiling is fractalized
SUCCESS!! shortly after that, still completely calm i lay back down and let the waves splash over, and over. I had a very good time that night, no purging, still never have to this day which is very much good with me. shortly after that i didn't want the hassle of extractions and started trying the teas which imo feels just as good, if not better.
So yep thats what brought me here, and coming back for more. found a polite kind and caring community in the process also. win! win!!
hope i didnt put anyone to sleep