NotTwo wrote:The entheogenic revolution is a real possibility for civilization as it now stands but it's largely blocked by blockheads.
To be honest, I don’t care for any entheogenic revolution. I have been working with psychedelics (I don’t believe in the term entheogen, I am not a spiritual person) for nearly 25 years. The law has never stopped me doing anything.
The serious issue is the amount of damage done to mankind as a whole by prohibition and a lack of recognition of the root causes of drug problems in those that suffer them. Thousands of people are not being slaughtered yearly in Mexico because of psychedelics. Of the hundreds of thousands of people locked up worldwide for production, sale, possession and consumption of drugs, very few are there for psychedelics. We have very much larger issues to deal with than our tiny minority who wish to make changes to our cognition and view of reality.
I do not subscribe to the utopian view that psychedelics will change the world for the better. I have known hundreds of people who have delved and got very little. To most they are just another substance to play with, they will go merrily on their way to being regular members of society, holding down jobs in factories, offices and on the land. Not questioning much. Watching TV and going down the pub at the weekends. There is nothing wrong with that.
As I said, our issues lie more with other drugs. We need to get a hold of our many issues with drugs such as heroin, cocaine, cannabis, etc, etc. What I believe is needed is a pragmatic approach that accepts that some people will take any of the vast array of psychoactive substances. Most drug use is not problematic, or only problematic in the short term. Some will have major issues, some will be be left with not much of a life as a result, some will die.
What are the root causes of problematic drug use? How can we ease the suffering? How can we remove control of supply from criminals who do not care for users of their products, or the world they live in? Why is life so bad for many that many feel they need a cocoon to hide from reality in? Why is life so bad that a large percentage of our population suffer from mental health issues that make day-to-day life difficult, or even impossible?
As far as I can see the root causes are unlikely to be dealt with in our lifetimes, or at all. Humans just aren’t that nice that they care about anyone. We are inherently selfish, we can at the very least take a pragmatic view of substance use and accept what is plainly obvious. People take drugs. They can be controlled and the world’s population can be safer if we move away from the current free-for-all and non-regulation we have at the moment.
We are seeing change currently. I don’t see much movement soon, but we are edging toward it with wider acceptance of cannabis.