I've been on the nexus for a good while In fact this isn't even my first account,I forgot my old password. I usually lurk in the chat for hours upon end and many of you may know me already for doing so. However, I think it appropriate to confine within the community standards and introduce myself, perhaps even share abit of my perception in posts.
Thus, I am Cinnamonrollz. why? Because I was craving cinnamon rolls the first time I ever logged onto an irc server years ago and the nickname stuck. I live in the midwest united states, and prefer to spend my time researching ethnopharmacology and other scholarly subjects that intertwine with entheogens as well as philosophizing about our existence.
I suppose what I really wish to do here at the nexus is gain more knowledge of entheogens and other subjects as well as share some of my own, for example a method of distinguishing mda from mdma down to 10ug with one solvent, one chemical, a sheet of white paper,and a hair dryer or my experience meeting Dennis Mckenna.
I was not completely sure as to what I should include, Thus if anyone has any questions please post them below and I will surely do my best to respond, Cinnamonrollz.