Hello my fellow explorers,
this is my very first post in this forum even though I have been lurking for quite a long time. For a beginning I must tell you how glad I am to have found this place which has brought me a lot of mindful insights. So also a big thanks to everybody who is a part of this community and has ever contributed any content.
For a start I want to share a little story with you. My first experience with spice which left me hoping to recreate it ever since.
I for learned about spice several years ago by a friend of mine. And since I am kind of fond with other mid altering substances, I was instantly interested in trying the spice. It took 2 or three years for me to do that. Before I was checking all my sources but it seemed like nobody else even had heard of it and there was almost no possibility to acquire some of it. And I didn't feel bold enough to start extracting some on my own..
Almost two years from now I was on a huge hippie festival with my girl. One night we were tripping on some pretty awesome acid. At some point we got hungry and made our way to the pizza stand were some guy who told me about how awesome the pizza was and afterwards followed me back to my girl. We had some conversations about out our origins, the festival and stuff. Then he told us a strange story about how he lost a bag containing all his substances - already thought he wanted scrounge some from us but I was so wrong. He told us the only remaining thing he had left was some of his favorite stuff which is so awesome, that he wants to share with anybody. Turned out it was some enhanced leaf, just maybe about .3 packed into a plastic bag in which he also carried a little bong.
I directly told him how I was looking for spice since several years but couldn't manage, to get my hands on some. And about the "you don't find it - it finds you"-saying. From what I by then knew about it, I was a little skeptical about smoking changa on a festival in the middle of many people and only some meters distant from the main stage where nasty psytrance beats were hammering out of the speakers. Not wanting to have one of the mysterious breakthroughs in such surroundings. But he told me that I don't have to worry, it will only be changing my visions and how he uses it to toke up in the middle of the dancefloor dancing to the music. Further he told me, that they somehow changed the effect of the spice, making it last longer and working differently.
Before pulling on the pipe, he warned me that the taste might be kind of like curry and that I have to keep it in the lungs for some time. So I did the small bong, kept the nasty tasting smoke inside of me for as long as I could and then exhaled. In the moment of exhaling there was a fucking blast. It seemed as if someone has put the lights on, everything got much brighter and my whole vision was like a huge mosaic. I looked at my girlfriend, her whole face looked like it was made out of diamonds and the colors looked like in a cartoon or video game. I looked to the guy who gave me the change - not having to mention that he also looked like from a video game or whatever it was - and said: "Holy shit. This stuff is awesome!" He only nodded with a knowing smirk on his face. Afterwards my girlfriend took a draw and was equally amazed.
We agreed on meeting the next day at the same place, since our new friend told us that he has no phone, to trade some of his delightful smoking blend. He then vanished in a dancing manner into the crowds at the main stage of the festival. But we unfortunately never met him again.
We looked everywhere for him but without success - but there were also like 30 or 40k visitors on the venue. Not easy to find a single person there. But at least I managed to get hold of the xtals and a small amount of enhanced leaf from our helpful neighbors at the camping site of the festival.
Back home I used it all up, first with some ash / herb sandwich methods resulting in always having this really bad taste in your mouth while you are in other dimensions or experience threshold effects. Then I tried some extractions on my own, ordered me a gvg (after failing in building a proper working machine). All this resulted in me having a lot of really nice threshold experiences, some epic breakthroughs and two or three really hard hitting hyperslaps as results of overdosing. But mostly I have strange fails of smoking - I often only get these "side effects": body high, fatigue and little to no visuals. I kind of never really managed to develop a reliable technique with the gvg...
Anyhow.. My main issue is, that I never managed to recreate that experience from the festival, this hard hitting visuals with no real side effects. No body high, no strange sounds in the ears and no disorientation. Only pure mosaic-like visuals layed over everything in my vision.
I assume that he had some kind of harmala and spice enhanced leaf. I tried my own hands on creating some but couldn't get my hands on harmala. Only with peppermint, calea ternifolia and blue lotus. All of which never gave me the effect I mentioned before. Sure, there were these effects, which I got to know over the time, nice threshold effects, breakthroughs and all, but never this clean change of the visual appearance which I would love to be able to recreate or even extend.
Now has anybody any idea on how I could accomplish that? Was it harmalas which made the experience so different? Was it the magic of the first time use? Was it because I was already high on lucy? Or was it just for reasons of set & setting?
And what is it with the gvg that makes it so unrealiable at times resulting in strange bodyhigh-only-experiences? I guess further experiments are necessary.
Any suggestions from you folks are highly appreciated! I hope I didn't scare anybody off with the long text I wrote.
Your fellow explorer