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Breakthrough caused someone to go nuts - to the point of being dangerous Options
#1 Posted : 1/17/2016 9:39:10 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I broke a friend through on DMT out of a GVG.

I tried breaking him through on 20mg at first, he didn't feel much. He tripped hard but nothing like breaking through. He was really wanting the full experience, I loaded 35mg we waited a hour had some bonding conversations.

He hit the pipe. Instantly I knew he was broken through, that faint look in someones eyes like no ones home. You can see it happen almost like a wave that runs from the top of their head to their body. A limp glance where you just know, the lights are off (or on Razz).

After about 10 seconds of this, he flopped back and his arms went out knocking everything off the night stand. He then crawled into the bed (if that makes sense?) his arms and legs started flailing violently and he started screaming at the top of his lungs. He fell off the side of the bed, I tried restraining him cause he risked personal injury and he ended up injuring me, he's a big guy and my restraining only put both of us at more risk - not effective.

It was like a tornado went off in the room. There was a king sized bed, he pushed against it so hard it went sideways, everything that could be knocked over got knocked over, at the same time he was screaming louder then I've ever heard anyone scream.

He came to with some pretty intense physical injuries. Scabs, cuts, bruises were all over his body and we're of a pretty serious degree.

He was ok though. None of the injuries we're a threat.

He said he didn't regret doing it, but he will NEVER do it again. He didn't blackout - he remembered the experience. He said he thought he was never coming back and it completely changed his perception of everything. He's more appreciative of life and feels naturally more tolerant and caring of others.

I just want to get this out. Nothing shook me up quite like seeing him in this state. Never seen anything like it before. I can only imagine what it was like for him.

Also, I'm curious if any of you went through or witnessed anything like this?

If you're new to this substance, tred lightly. DMT is meant to be more then respected, respect is a bitch term for what DMT deserves. Don't jump into it like a idiot thinking it's another "shroom" or "acid" trip. This is something else if you dose for a true breakthrough. Be careful! It can be dangerous! This CAN happen to you! Prepare for it!

I honestly am thinking about getting a method of having someone strap me in to prevent this. It didn't happen to me, I've broken through and just lay there, but shit - it could happen!

My days of breaking through other people who haven't truly broken through before are pretty much over. I'm sure I'll do it a few more times in my lifespan, but I feel it's foolish of me to break someone through when they have no idea what they're getting into. We all have a path we go, it's rare for someone to break through their first time, with the GVG that's possible it took me time to learn that my respect was accumulated over time. Someone who doesn't build up to it has no idea, it's foolish of me to just blast em off not knowing how they'll react and hoping they'll be ok. If I ever break someone through again I will require them being strapped down for both of our safety.

The sub breakthrough doses are whatever - they're chill and easy to handle. But that's not the phenomenon of the DMT experience. My mentality is "go big or don't go at all". If I want a sub breakthrough I'd eat mushrooms. DMT is "The Spirit Molecule" not just another trip.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 1/17/2016 10:12:46 AM

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Lyghtsout wrote:
I broke a friend through on DMT out of a GVG.

I tried breaking him through on 20mg at first, he didn't feel much. He tripped hard but nothing like breaking through. He was really wanting the full experience, I loaded 35mg we waited a hour had some bonding conversations.

He hit the pipe. Instantly I knew he was broken through, that faint look in someones eyes like no ones home. You can see it happen almost like a wave that runs from the top of their head to their body. A limp glance where you just know, the lights are off (or on Razz).

After about 10 seconds of this, he flopped back and his arms went out knocking everything off the night stand. He then crawled into the bed (if that makes sense?) his arms and legs started flailing violently and he started screaming at the top of his lungs. He fell off the side of the bed, I tried restraining him cause he risked personal injury and he ended up injuring me, he's a big guy and my restraining only put both of us at more risk - not effective. I was forced to observe incase anything was about to happen (something fall on top of him, get his neck in a weird position, etc.) I was terrified.

It was like a tornado went off in the room. There was a king sized bed, he pushed against it so hard it went sideways, everything that could be knocked over got knocked over, at the same time he was screaming louder then I've ever heard anyone scream.

Around 10 minutes of this and he started calming down, he stopped screaming and moving so violently. He then said, "I know you're hear (my name), I can't see you, but I want to see you, just know I'm ok".

He came to with some pretty intense physical injuries. Scabs, cuts, bruises were all over his body and we're of a pretty serious degree. There was blood on the floor.

He was ok though. None of the injuries we're a threat.

He said he didn't regret doing it, but he will NEVER do it again. He didn't blackout - he remembered the experience - but couldn't put it into words. He said he thought he was never coming back and it completely changed his perception of everything. He's more appreciative of life and feels naturally more tolerant and caring of others.

I just want to get this out. Nothing shook me up quite like seeing him in this state. Never seen anything like it before. I can only imagine what it was like for him.

Also, I'm curious if any of you went through or witnessed anything like this?

If you're new to this substance, tred lightly. DMT is meant to be more then respected, respect is a bitch term for what DMT deserves. Don't jump into it like a idiot thinking it's another "shroom" or "acid" trip. This is something else if you dose for a true breakthrough. Be careful! It can be dangerous! This CAN happen to you! Prepare for it!

I honestly am thinking about getting a method of having someone strap me in to prevent this. It didn't happen to me, I've broken through and just lay there, but shit - it could happen! This dude was unstoppable! The "COPS" videos of people on PCP pales in comparison!

My days of breaking through other people who haven't truly broken through before are pretty much over. I'm sure I'll do it a few more times in my lifespan, but I feel it's foolish of me to break someone through when they have no idea what they're getting into. We all have a path we go, it's rare for someone to break through their first time, with the GVG that's possible it took me time to learn that my respect was accumulated over time. Someone who doesn't build up to it has no idea, it's foolish of me to just blast em off not knowing how they'll react and hoping they'll be ok. If I ever break someone through again I will require them being strapped down for both of our safety.

The sub breakthrough doses are whatever - they're chill and easy to handle. But that's not the phenomenon of the DMT experience. My mentality is "go big or don't go at all". If I want a sub breakthrough I'd eat mushrooms. DMT is "The Spirit Molecule" not just another trip.

Tough lesson to learn man. I do not share DMT for this very reason. I have had some tough times & i`m an experienced tripped & can maintain a level head with pretty big doses of LSD, mushrooms, mescaline, etc. But DMT is something that commands respect & has a way of letting you know it early on.

Leaving DMT to those who find it naturally on their own & take an interest is probably best. Generally the learning curve prevents experiences like this for those on their own path IME but not always. Learning to use DMT as a tool & to craft each experience to ones own individual needs & body chemistry is important & occurs at different rates but is highly personal & is something that needs to be learned by experience at ones own pace.

Sub breakthrough doses can be amazing as well. It just depends on your intent & what you wish to accomplish. Psychological & emotional healing takes place even with low dosages if you seek it.
#3 Posted : 1/17/2016 10:36:55 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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No doubt, That story was intense. I only had a sub breakthrough dose and for nearly two months now I have been wigging out thinking that I am living in a dream and not being able to be connected with reality (nothing feels real).

I sometimes have flashes of it being intense like I can suddenly see it for real just how everything is an absolute illusion and death is the waking up from it. and then it fades and I keep having a strange sensation that the sounds I hear mean something that I don't understand. I will say something like "my keys" and it will turn in to "marques or markees" and that has some universal meaning or something.

All just from some pathetic sub-breakthrough dose.... breakthrough? Fvck that shit! this stuff is fvcking with me already!

I also once had a friend who went nuts temporarily, I saw that similar thing of consciousness leaving although she was screaming her head off... it wasn't induced by dmt but by intense negative emotions (worthlessness/abuse etc.) She came back too and didn't really remember much of it.
#4 Posted : 1/17/2016 10:39:57 AM


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introducing people to DMT is always a risk
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#5 Posted : 1/17/2016 10:45:30 AM

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Jin wrote:
introducing people to DMT is always a risk

Introducing people without experience to any psychedellic is a risk. I have seen first hand people's lives drastically change after being introduced to lsd or mushrooms. Sometimes not for the better. It is like one of those pictures where you look for the face or whatever it may be hidden in the pattern. Once you see it, you cannot see the picture the same way you did before. Only the picture is reality in this case. Everyone's reaction is different & some do not handle that quite as well as others.
#6 Posted : 1/17/2016 1:37:06 PM

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I feel sorry for people who have such experiences.

The worst I've had is pure fear haha . You can go your whole life without feeling intense fear so I'm grateful for that experience .

Feeling stuff, I do seek that Thumbs up
Pile of cats
#7 Posted : 1/17/2016 2:16:21 PM

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I feel one of the best ways around this is to not turn people on to the breakthrough experience but rather allow them to get some tastes for what exists within the experience and then promote treading lightly and that every experience has it's lesson to help prepare you for the eventual breakthrough, only increase dosage when you've thoroughly explored the level which your current dosage brought you to, realising that you hold a lot of the power in accessing deeper states and that it's not purely dosage that's a factor. I feel the best way to breakthrough is when you have enough dosage to show you the door but through your own will you walk through. Being catapulted through the door without even having a second to prepare can be overwhelming to say the least and you don't always end up in pleasant realms.

From when I first smoked dmt it took around 5 months of regular smoking before I had the experience that felt like my life was leading up to, and I would't have done it any other way because it was perfect and the experiences that lead up to it changed my life in preparation for that peak moment.
#8 Posted : 1/17/2016 7:55:52 PM
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I feel what you guys are saying, that shit was bad. The stress had me up till 4am and sleeping till 2pm today.

He had smoked DMT before and had a pretty intense sub breakthrough. He's also broken through on Salvia which I always considered to be more terrifying then a DMT breakthrough.

I think his physical reaction was completely out of his control. He left his body, the whole time he was clueless what his body was actually doing. When he came to and I told him he couldn't believe it. He said in the trip the only "him" left was the wanting it to stop also the deep down fear that he wasn't coming back but he didn't know where he was or what "coming back" was - he completely dissociated from reality forgot he was human to begin with.

I believe this was just his bodies physical reaction to the experience. That no amount of preparation could prepare him enough to prevent his body from spazzing out. I'm grateful that my body maintains a chill posture as far as I've gone, perhaps I've never gone as far as him but I know I've truly broken through before a few times. Honestly though, I truly break through once a year at most it's really tough to integrate and in between I do really intense sub breakthroughs, those are fun, but not anything that makes me worry I'm dying or have a intense alteration of perception.

corpus callosum
#9 Posted : 1/18/2016 7:54:13 PM

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35mg via the GVG if taken in one breath is an intimidatingly heavy duty experience; the OPs report seems to reaffirm my belief that one is not guaranteed to be immobilised when broken through, and the potential for harming oneself or others when in this state is very real, albeit infrequent in practise.
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#10 Posted : 1/18/2016 11:58:45 PM
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I met up with him today and got a picture of some of the markings left on his body. Imagine these throughout his body including back, legs, chest.

Now here's the REALLY interesting part and pretty unbelievable. I feel like I'm telling some fairy tale bullshit. The guy who smoked DMT is mid 20's, he's been color blind his whole life. Everything is black and white and he could only see two colors - red & green. He saw colors in the experience and that's not all, now he sees all colors perfectly fine! He is not the type to make that kinda thing up, we tested him and he proved himself I know for a fact he sees color for the first time in his life. Where he worked products are color coded so people couldn't say "green one" to him he'd have em point, now he goes right to it. We showed him a yellow highlighter, he didn't know names but he'd say "it's bright". He compared blue on his shirt to the blue in the sky, "it's darker and it's the same color as that sign in the distance."

For a hour and a half he shared with me and one other person his experience. I was mesmerized. I don't remember enough to really portray it to you but it was the most powerful trip report I've heard including the ones on the documentary - and yes - Terrence Mckenna's.

Terms like "wrath of God" "Pure Power" were used. Being flooded with information while 2 spiritual beings battled over his soul one was good and the other was mad he was there. Picking him up then his body turned to liquid like on x-men 1 and felt like he was exploding. He remembered a lot more then I expected.

Now he says he would do it again after years have passed, but he's afraid of the physical damage it caused him. I mentioned being strapped down and he made a good point - coming out of the DMT trip strapped to a bed would be a bad experience.

Crazy shit. Especially about him seeing colors now. Who knows how long it will last. What caused this? Is it possible these spirits were real and decided to give him sight of colors? I just can't imagine a physical reaction would repair you're eyes or visual cortex. I almost think the spiritual implication seems more logical. Perhaps it's psychological, he saw colors for the first time in the trip and couldn't unsee them? Nah... That's stupid lol...

Whatever it is, it's a miracle. There's no rational explanation. People who read this can't be sure I'm telling the truth and that's lousy. I wish you could see things from my perspective, how positive I am that this is real as I'm typing this. It's my first real experience with a miracle.

#11 Posted : 1/19/2016 12:43:26 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah, a big dose for someone that's inexperienced, especially like corpus said - 'one inhalation'; there's something to be said for clearing a big dose in one hit. Not something i'll likely be repeating.

This reminds me of one time several years back with my gf, and a friend of hers; he was relatively versed in other psychedelics, although had never done DMT. Gave him 20mg with the GVG, although it was all vaped in one hit. He was flopped back in a matter of seconds on her bed, remaining still for a moment, then all of a sudden he started throwing his arms around, putting himself in crazy positions and throwing blankets and pillows all over the place. Thankfully he calmed down during the end of it.

Afterward, he had no recollection and said that he had thought he was lying still the whole time. Razz

It's a crapshoot with people. This is why I either go solo anymore or with the lady.

DMT in big dosages and taken quickly/one inhale is a much different experience than several leisurely tokes. Definitely nothing to be trifled with.

I hope everything turns out well for your friend. Hopefully all that were involed learned some valuable lessons. Smile
#12 Posted : 1/19/2016 1:49:42 AM

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Look into "Center of the Cyclone" by John C Liley, he talks about how our brain is a hard drive that is wired with "panic" programs that sometimes take over when things are too overwhelming.
#13 Posted : 1/19/2016 3:24:53 AM

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lyghtsout wrote:

I believe this was just his bodies physical reaction to the experience. That no amount of preparation could prepare him enough to prevent his body from spazzing out. I'm grateful that my body maintains a chill posture as far as I've gone, perhaps I've never gone as far as him but I know I've truly broken through before a few times. Honestly though, I truly break through once a year at most it's really tough to integrate and in between I do really intense sub breakthroughs, those are fun, but not anything that makes me worry I'm dying or have a intense alteration of perception.

That's very weird to me. I've heard of people sometimes getting up and walking around autonomously on DMT, but never spazzing out like that. I'm with you, in my experiences with dmt, it always felt like control of my motor functions was taken over by something else, as if the dmt was like; "ok you are too inebriated to pilot this thing right now, so I'm taking your keys. Sit back and enjoy the ride."

it sounds to me like your friend didn't acquire superhuman strength, but instead his muscles were responding very indeliberately, and Therefore, the normal limits that your brain places on how much strength you use to complete a task were removed. Also, I'm fairly certain dmt causes increased release of adrenaline or at least activates those receptors, which allowed your friend to access his full reserve's of strength.
And I'm lonesome when you're around
I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself.
And I miss you when you're around...
#14 Posted : 1/19/2016 4:01:28 AM

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I'm just gonna leave this riiiight here.
'"ALAS,"said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the
beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad
when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have
narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner
stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said
the cat, and ate it up.' --Franz Kafka
#15 Posted : 2/5/2016 12:59:37 AM

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Interesting. For me personally, something akin to sleep paralysis sets in when I break through. Everything goes numb and I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I usually forget I even have a body, or am alive at all. Sometimes during the come down I get neurological "glitches" like involuntary muscle jerks or whatever but that's about it. Whatever he saw and experienced must have been pretty terrifying.
Doc Buxin
#16 Posted : 2/5/2016 1:35:49 AM

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Lyghtsout wrote:
Is it possible these spirits were real and decided to give him sight of colors? I just can't imagine a physical reaction would repair you're eyes or visual cortex. I almost think the spiritual implication seems more logical. Perhaps it's psychological, he saw colors for the first time in the trip and couldn't unsee them? Nah... That's stupid lol...

Whatever it is, it's a miracle.

Life itself, in all its infinite complexity, is a miracle, period.

The spiritual, psychological & physical are all intertwined and, in a very, very real sense, are all the same thing.

Don't take my word for it, although my word does come with lifetimes of experience.

Just be grateful that everybody is alive.
Freedom's so hard
When we are all bound by laws
Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand
Unseen by all those who fail
In their pursuit of fate
#17 Posted : 2/5/2016 1:41:49 AM

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Oops...looks like I had a double post for some reason.
#18 Posted : 2/5/2016 3:45:41 AM

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Lyghtsout, I must say that this is possibly the most intriguing experience report I have ever read. If DMT can really make some colorblind people see color, you may have stumbled upon the next big psychedelic research topic. Now of course, we should have reasonable doubt; perhaps your friend was simply an exception, or perhaps you are lying... who knows? Either way, this sounds incredible and I think it deserves more attention.

Lyghtsout wrote:

"Don't jump into it like a idiot thinking it's another "shroom" or "acid" trip. This is something else if you dose for a true breakthrough. Be careful! It can be dangerous! This CAN happen to you! Prepare for it!"

I believe shroom and acid trips can cause similar reactions at heroic+ dosages.
anne halonium
#19 Posted : 2/5/2016 7:21:14 PM

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BringsUsTogether wrote:

"Don't jump into it like a idiot thinking it's another "shroom" or "acid" trip.

^i dont know if id go that far with it......
i lived thru owsley blotter in the early 70's.

but ya , never trust a noob.
you really dont know what they are gonna do,
and even the ones that have tripped , think a +2 is a + 5000 from ego.

everyone knows a joker who ate a old DOX tab at a rave , and is now timothy leary..

fact is , even among pro trippers, maybe 10% can really handle a good wall peeler.
be cautious.
"loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.
#20 Posted : 2/6/2016 12:21:13 AM
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anne halonium wrote:
BringsUsTogether wrote:

"Don't jump into it like a idiot thinking it's another "shroom" or "acid" trip.

^i dont know if id go that far with it......
i lived thru owsley blotter in the early 70's.

but ya , never trust a noob.
you really dont know what they are gonna do,
and even the ones that have tripped , think a +2 is a + 5000 from ego.

everyone knows a joker who ate a old DOX tab at a rave , and is now timothy leary..

fact is , even among pro trippers, maybe 10% can really handle a good wall peeler.
be cautious.

I've only been lucky to find good dose a few times in my life. It really makes me wonder what 95% of the shit that's being passed around now a days actually is. IMO shrooms and acid can easily be far more intense then dmt.
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
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