ThOne man, his once brilliant white pants completely soaked with gore, wipes bloody hands on the face of a life-size Jesus on a cross that was removed from the temple’s dais. Confused, I ask Marciano why the animist Huichol are smearing a Christ statue with bull’s blood.
“That’s not Jesus,” he says. “It represents the village patron, San Andrés.” He explains that when the Spanish finally made it here, they introduced Christian saints. The Huichol respected the power of these “deities” and so added them to their own crowded pantheon.
The bull just killed in San Andrés’s honor is dragged from the temple. Flocks of rangy dogs descend upon the blood trails and lick feverishly. So many empty Modesto beer cans are starting to pile up around the cattle still awaiting slaughter that the shamans’ helpers must roll the animals over them. Outside the temple, I see people passed out on the ground, and I recognize one as a shaman I had talked to earlier. Many Huichol believe that if the governor or shamans don’t fulfill their secular and spiritual obligations, the gods will punish an entire village with alcoholism. I wonder if that’s been occurring in San Andrés.
Rachel joins me in the temple, shaken. She points to a red mark on her forehead: A man struck her in the head with her camera. Other men tried to seize her gear, accusing her of having no permission to be here. But what has her the most distressed is that no one in the crowd did anything to help—not even Marciano or Alejandro.
We head out into the throng. Alejandro, our $200 protector, is pretending he doesn’t know us. I don’t see the governor or elders anywhere. A man in a green jacket comes over to us. He grabs at Rachel’s cameras, speaks to her threateningly. I step between them and forcibly hold him off. He is up close to me now, his face inches from mine. Our eyes link. I fear I may actually have to fight this man to protect myself, and it is not this that scares me—he is drunk and shorter than I—but the thought of what other Huichol might do if one of my punches sends him to the ground.
Thankfully, Marciano comes over to help out Rachel. I retreat to the truck, thinking of how journalist Philip True’s plight might have resembled our situation. I can easily imagine the man in the green jacket rounding up a friend or two and coming after me or Rachel. When I head to a nearby field to go to the bathroom, I carry a knife up one sleeve. No chances. The situation is fast deteriorating as the crowd gets drunker and more belligerent. Federales with submachine guns are being brought in now to keep the peace, and I know we have to get out of here.
I wait, on edge, through the late afternoon. And then the inevitable occurs: The man in the green jacket has persuaded the legal authorities to deny us permission to be here. Rachel must stop taking pictures immediately. They want us out.
The next morning we creep into the village to try to patch things up with the governor. A group of elders finds us. They’re contrite, apologizing about the man who struck Rachel; they say they will punish him. They tell us that the village’s legal committee hadn’t known about the permission we got and so disapproved of our being here. But everything is all right now. We can stay, with their blessing.
I don’t know what to make of this sudden change of heart. I’m still wary. But there is a playful feeling to today’s events that distracts me. We’re just in time for an afternoon procession to honor the gods and the new officers, in which the people of the village pass on gifts of food and clay pots full of nawa—fermented maize. The musicians begin playing their fiddles and cellos. Men hoist onto their backs raw cattle legs from the animals sacrificed yesterday. Tied to this meat are various delicacies—fruit, cookies, Instant Lunch ramen noodles, bottles of Fanta, maize cakes wrapped in corn husks. Anything that might please the gods. People gather, holding sugarcane stalks decorated with food bundles. The parade is about to start, and a mestiza missionary woman walks to the front of the group. She wears a long gray smock and a hint of amusement on her lips as she watches the proceedings. I go up to greet her, and she introduces herself as Mariel.
“Do you wish this was a Christian ceremony?” I ask her.
“It is a Christian ceremony,” she says. A man wearing a slab of raw cow ribs on his back walks past. “Christ is telling them to do this ceremony. If they don’t, He will punish them.”
Only yesterday, José explained to me that “the gods” tell the Huichol to perform this ceremony. Mariel’s is an interesting form of rationalization that I’ve heard before from missionaries around the world: if you can’t eradicate the tradition, claim it as your own.
I’m surprised to see a tall gringo with blond hair holding one of the sugarcane stalks. He smiles at the people around him and takes a place in the front row of the parade as it moves across the town square. I approach him when the crowd finally disperses. He tells me his name is David, that he’s 29, from Italy. Beside him is a woman about the same age, Michelle, with a ruddy face and a placid smile.
When I ask them what they’re doing here, they look at each other and shrug.
“I don’t know,” David says, staring at me, childlike, with large blue eyes.
“Are you traveling,” I ask him.
They look at each other. “No,” he says, smiling shyly, almost apologetically.
“Are you scientists? Backpackers? What?”
David looks at his feet. “I don’t know,” he says. “We’re not anything.”
It turns out though, that they were something back in Italy: fruit pickers. But then David discovered Castaneda’s writings and became inspired to try peyote. He came alone to Mexico a year ago, went to the sacred desert, ate some peyote. And that was when the most extraordinary event of his life occurred: He talked to God in the desert; he found Truth. He ended up returning to Italy only to come back to Mexico with Michelle, so that they could live with the Huichol, this “peyote people,” and learn even more about themselves.
I consider the idea of David’s “Truth.” It is such a loaded term, of course, but I sense that he has found something which goes beyond the belief systems that pass as “truth” for many people in the West. He has experienced some kind of truth that is deeply spiritual and universal. I suddenly realize that I’m envious of David. I see how difficult it is for myself and people from my Western culture to feel a sense of belonging and peace within themselves. And so some go searching for it among groups like the Huichol. Some will search forever.
As I leave the Italians, I discover that Marciano has overheard the whole conversation. Usually stoic-faced and reticent, he is laughing now. He tells me that David has obviously gone crazy.
“But he said he found Truth,” I say.
“That’s why he’s gone crazy. How can you not know your place in the world? He doesn’t know where he belongs. He’s lost. But a Huichol always knows who he is and why he’s here.”
“Huichols never get confused about that?” I ask.
I see the flash of a grin for a dumb question. “No. A Huichol is never confused. When you believe in something, and when you have faith and traditions, you know what you’re doing and you have purpose. Huichols know why and what they do everything for.”
“Do you think the Huichols can teach David something if he stays with them?”
Marciano shakes his head. “You can’t just go somewhere and buy the essence or purpose or origin of yourself. He’s here because he thinks he can become like a Huichol, but it’s not possible. He’s an Italian. I don’t understand people like him. He’s lost his mind.”
And here I am back in the Wirikuta desert, and I suppose it could be said that I’m searching for my own Truth. Not the Huichol’s truth, or the truth of some other people or place. Just my own. I eat the peyote that Chintito blessed for me, and it tastes pleasantly medicinal, like a cross between aloe vera and alfalfa sprouts. The Huichol believe that you can lose your soul when you take peyote here—either you will reconnect with the forces of your ancestors or spiral into primordial chaos. Yet everything feels fine to me. I feel safe.
Above, the stars get brighter, the mesquite, sharper. I seem to be sinking deep into the earth; I’m experiencing the greatest sense of peace and security I have ever felt, as if returned to the womb. All I want to do is sleep….
I wake. The moon is directly over me now. I wonder if I’ve done all this right. There has been no nausea, no horrible visions. And though I had numerous questions for the peyote, I felt so at ease that I lost them all. Perhaps I made a mistake. Perhaps I didn’t take the right amount. I don’t understand why my questions don’t seem to matter anymore. I’m suspicious of this deep peace.
I’m determined to do this properly, to ask my questions and not fall into that tantalizing sleep again. I eat another, larger button. Before I can word my first question, my abdomen grips up. The moon becomes bright, like an interrogator’s spotlight, and scenes leap out of my past. They begin in childhood, a slide show of images that flicker and die out like ten-second newsreels. I look on with detachment, the peyote forcing me to watch by keeping me just uncomfortable enough so that I can’t retreat into sleep. After a while, I start to understand that all these scenes have one thing in common: They deal with the petty fears and worries that have come to dominate my life. And I must watch them all, and learn.
At last the grip in my abdomen is released, and the show ends. I start to hear the sound of a great wind, just as I had when I camped in this desert for the first time, but now I’m certain it’s coming from outside myself. It’s almost dawn. Fog has settled over the desert, obscuring distances so that I feel entirely alone on earth, confined to a small radius of visible world. I have a terrible hangover, but there is no aching, no nausea or headache. It is a hangover of the soul. I stand up to take my first steps.think this is the whole story i must have left some of it out...
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is remainder of the peyote trail story....