Hey... I was wondering if someone could offer some feedback on a recent extraction that SWIM completed.
50g of B. Caapi were extracted using The Herbal Percolator method. It is supposed to significantly increase yield.
Over 4 gallons of water were run through the Caapi, each gallon with about 100g citric acid in it. Very acidic!
Once reduced, plain salt was added until no more would dissolve. The mix was filtered through cotton balls and put in the fridge.
Nothing precipitated overnight. The mix was brought to a boil and filled with excess salt. The mixture was strained through cotton balls and put in the fridge.
Two days later the mixture was removed. Much precipitation had occurred.
The cold solution was filtered through cotton balls. All the gunk & precipitate got caught in the cotton balls.
The cotton balls filled with gunk were simmered in water to dissolve all alkaloids from the cotton into the water.
The water was basified to pH 10-12 using mainly Sodium Carbonate. A pinch of lye was added for an extra pH boost.
No rapid color change, no color change at all except to a slow change almost black. A LOT of Sodium Carbonate had to be added to just reach neutral.
The basified water was filtered through cotton balls, the cotton caught all the goo + chunks.
The cotton balls were soaked in 99% Isopropyl Alcohol. The alcohol how had a dark maroon separation layer, one can only assume this contains some of the excess base water that was permeated in the cotton.
The alcohol was filtered through cotton balls. All the crud stuck to the cotton balls and the alcohol ran out light brown, clear looking and without any separation or precipitants.
The alcohol was evaporated to yield 8grams of shiny sparkling talcum-like tan powder.
The yield was too incredible! From 50g of Caapi, 8g of tan harmaloids? Something had to be wrong.
SWIM mixed the 8g freebase harmaloids into about 150ml of water. The mixture was run through a coffee filter and nothing could be collected.
The large yield combined with the dissolving of alkaloids into water made SWIM assume failure, that maybe his product was contaminated with sodium carbonate or lye.
The freebase filled water was tossed down the drain so SWIM wouldn't convince themselves that it may be ok to ingest.
Any thoughts or opinions on what the powder was, if it was harmala and if it could have been heavily contaminated?
SWIM mimicked this extraction with another 50g vine which is in the final evaporation phase. Any ideas as to what is happening here?
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